
Read Dirty for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Dirty for Free Online
Authors: H.J. Bellus
in the background.
    I open my mouth to say something, but my words catch in my throat. She’s beautiful and as cheesy and cliché as it sounds, she’s actually more than beautiful.
    “You again?” A smirk plays out on her lips.
    “Yeah, you again.” I nod down to her.
    “Guess the Gods want us to meet.”
    “Or you’re stalking me.”
    She’s trying to flirt with me, but unless she’s a paying customer, there’s no sense in flirting. My words are harsh and to the point.
    “You must be pretty desperate.”
    Another female’s voice joins along with Rhett’s.
    “Ava, are you okay?” The girl extends her hand and Ava scrambles quickly from my lap.
    “The asshole in the red hat shoved me when he was walking inside and then I flew into a waitress.”
    I scan her from head to toe, taking my time to admire her short stature and perfectly plump body. Her curves are perfection.
    “You’re bleeding.” I grab a napkin and dab it in my water before she focuses on me.
    “Ouch.” Ava swats my hand away.
    “Leave it.” My voice comes out harsh and cruel. “You need to clean it and stop the bleeding.”
    Her left kneecap has a large gash in it from her fall.
    “I’m fine.” She pulls her knee from my reach.
    I place the damp napkin back on her knee, kneeling from my seat to take a better inspection of the wound. “You’re going to need stitches.”
    “I’m fine, asshole. Get your hands off of me.”
    “What did you do to piss her off?” Rhett asks standing behind her friend who is now kneeled down, applying pressure to her bleeding knee.
    I just shrug. “Who pushed you, Ava?”
    She winces in pain before pointing him out in the restaurant and then when she realizes she’s talking to me, her arm drops down by her side and focus goes back on her knee.
    “Chloe, let’s go. It’s fine.” She tries pushing her friend back, but she doesn’t move.
    “It’s oozing blood, Ava.”
    A stream of red blood runs down the front of Ava’s shin and my vision blurs to the exact same color, watching it pool on the cement of the patio. I grip the back of the wrought iron chair over and over again trying to calm down, but when Ava’s eyes pool with tears, I blow up.
    “Where are you going, Zane?” Rhett hollers out, but I don’t stop.
    My Cons pound on the cement with each step; I curl and uncurl my fists down by my side, and then throw open the door to the restaurant.
    “Oh shit,” are the last two words I hear Rhett yell before my fist collides with the asshole’s jaw. He didn’t see the first one coming, but I made sure he saw and felt the reign of terror with each blow of my fist and cracking of his face.
    I lose track of how many times I pop the fucker in the face. Rhett pulls me off him and has us out of there before the sirens fill the air.

    “ W hat did he say to you?” Chloe asks again.
    “Basically, that I was desperate.” I rearrange the ice pack on my knee. Thankfully, I was able to talk the girls out of rushing me to the ER over a flesh wound. I’ve fallen off my fair share of horses while growing up to know pain.
    “So he was a dick to you?” Darby asks.
    They’ve been at it for the last thirty minutes since we got home and cleaned up.
    Darby plants her hands on her hips and tilts her head. “From my standpoint, when you landed in his arms, he stared down at you like he was going to devour you and then he beat the shit out of the guy who knocked you down.”
    I don’t admit to either of them that I thought his stare felt the same way and made me way more excited than it should have. Hell, I hadn’t even noticed the throbbing pain while in his arms. I sure got a good look at his gorgeous cock the other day, but it’s nothing compared to his bright blue eyes, strong jawline, and crisp tan.
    “He’s an asshole and no way interested in me.” I try to brush off their concern and feel a slight twinge when I do.
    “You’re so damn stubborn sometimes, Ava. It drives

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