struggling with eating habits or weight, and especially if you keep trying to diet, chances are that your brain chemistry is involved.
Check out the questions below and answer them as honestly as you can. There’s a wonderful reward in store for you—a gradual detox program that will allow you to make an effortless transition into a calmer, happier, and healthier relationship to food—not to mention a painless way to achieve your ideal weight. The process starts here—so let’s get started!
Discover Your Food Habits
• Is there at least one unhealthy food or beverage that you consume every day?
• Do you panic if you think you might not have access to this unhealthy food or beverage everywhere, such as on vacation or at a restaurant?
• Have you ever felt you might need to cut down on this unhealthy food or beverage?
• Has anyone else suggested you change your eating or drinking habits?
• Do you ever feel guilty after eating or drinking?
• Is this unhealthy food or beverage on your mind within an hour of waking up?
• Do you feel powerless when you have a craving?
• Have you tried but failed to cut back on this item in the past?
• Do you turn to this unhealthy food or beverage when you’re feeling low or high, or when you’re not even hungry or thirsty?
• Have you felt as though your self-esteem and relationships might be better if you didn’t have these cravings?
• Do you seem to think about eating or drinking most of the time?
• Is there a difference between your private and public eating?
• Do you tell yourself you could quit consuming this item whenever you want, even though you’ve never been able to?
• Do you look forward to the time when you can eat or drink this item?
• Are you envious of people who have a casual attitude to food?
• Do you sometimes enter a trancelike state when you are eating?
• Does most of your eating occur late at night?
• One of these questions: You show signs of a mild food addiction. Although you are basically in control of your food choices and are able to enjoy food’s role in your life, you have moments where it feels as though food, not you, is in control .
• Two of these questions: You have a moderate food addiction that is probably affecting your life more than you want it to. Although you are able to enjoy many aspects of your life, food is an ongoing theme that causes you frequent distress.
• Three or more of these questions: You may be in the grip of a food addiction that is affecting virtually every aspect of your life. Food is probably playing a much larger role in your life than you are happy with. It’s time to deal with the struggle that has been holding you hostage.
Whatever the results of this test, please don’t be hard on yourself. Now that you have understood the role that food plays in your life, you’re about to get every tool you need to rewrite that role and restore food to its proper place: as a source of nourishment and pleasure. Once you know the right foods and activities to boost your serotonin and dopamine levels, you will restore your brain chemistry, free yourself from your addiction, and go on to a healthy weight and a satisfying life.
If you’re ready to get started this instant, turn to page 231. But many of my patients have found it extremely helpful to know a bit more about how addiction works, so that they can really understand what’s going on in their bodies, minds, and spirits as they rehab their diets. If you’d like to join them, read on.
The Dangers of Tolerance
One of the key hallmarks of an addiction is tolerance: when you keep needing more to get the same high. As we build up tolerance to addictive substances, they don’t have the power to give us the same kick they once did. Not only do we need more to get the same high; eventually we need them just to feel normal.
You can see this quite clearly with a caffeine addiction. First you drink
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