Die Dead Enough

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Book: Read Die Dead Enough for Free Online
Authors: William Kenney
their faces full of absolute terror and hopelessness.
    He held up his hand, silently asking them to wait while he pulled his cellphone from his pocket. He typed out a message, the others standing by for two minutes as he finished. Then he passed the phone to the others, allowing each to read what he had written.
    They can hear a pin drop. We have to be completely silent. Turn off the ringers on your phones. Just in case. If you have something to say - type it like this.
    Each person nodded as they read it, setting their phones to silent mode.
    Uncle Leo handed his phone to Aiden.
    Roof? it read.
    They showed it to everyone, the majority agreeing with the plan. They were soon climbing the stairs as quietly as possible, occasionally hearing the disturbing sounds of the undead on various floors as they passed.
    Reaching the rooftop, they found the wind strong and rustling in their ears. As one they slowly made their way to the roof's edge and stopped, staring in disbelief at the ruined city below.
    "My God. This can't be happening," Gibby said, running a hand through his black hair. "Can't be real. Just no fucking way."
    St. Louis was covered in a grey haze, an after-effect of the numerous fires and explosions that had occurred overnight. Some buildings in the distance still burned, the orange flames dancing above the horizon. In the streets directly beneath them were thousands of walking corpses, milling about, bouncing off one another as they scanned the area for new prey.
    On the pavement between the zombies feet could be seen countless human skeletons, stark white and completely stripped clean of flesh.
    The group stepped away from the edge, forming a loose circle.
    "I think it's safe to talk, but keep it quiet," Conor said. "This wind is so loud, I don't think they can hear us."
    "What are we going to do, Dad?" asked Trish, covering her mouth with her hand as her sister put an arm around her. "I want Mom."
    "I - I don't know, honey," he replied. "Give me a minute to think."
    "Phone lines are dead," said one of the old ladies in frustration.
    "Yeah, same here," said Aiden with a frown.
    "Well, obviously this is only temporary," Klaus said, referring to their rooftop refuge. "We can't stay here."
    "Why not?" asked Gibby. "You want to go back down there?"
    "No food. No water. No shelter from the elements. Need I go on?" Klaus said.
    Gibby looked at his feet and shook his head.
    "We need guns," Vernon said.
    "Shotguns," Aiden added. "Pistols and rifles won't help much against these things. At least with a shotgun, you can blow their head off or a leg. Slow 'em down."
    "Right. Head shots don't really matter," said Conor. "All those videos games we played were bullshit."
    "All right. Where are we going to find guns?" Gibby asked. "Don't you think the gun stores have all been picked clean by now?"
    "Nah. Not yet," said Uncle Leo. "Gone take a few days for that to happen. First things first. How the hell we gettin' down from here, ya'll? Fly?"
    "We'll have to go back down through the building," said Klaus. "It's the only way."
    "Shit," said Bobo with a nod from Leo.
    "We know it's not like the Living Dead movies," said Aiden. "Damaging the brain doesn't matter much, which makes fighting these things a real pain in the ass. Blinding them helps, but they can still hear the tiniest sound, zero in on you quick."
    "I don't know if I can make it, man," Uncle Leo said, avoiding the eyes of the others.
    "Why not?" asked Mina.
    "Cuz I'm fat, child," he answered. "Straight up fat. Those stairs almost gave me a heart attack."
    "Well, he's fat, too," Mina said, pointing to Klaus. "Just not as fat as you, but he's not giving up."
    "Mina!" her father scolded.
    "Don't worry about it, Vernon," Klaus said with a smile. "Guess my secret's out."
    "He big, but he solid," said Bobo in reference to Klaus. "Uncle Leo... well...."
    "I'm just fat," said Leo, placing both hands on his belly, jiggling it up and down.
    "We're not going to leave you up here,"

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