Die Dead Enough

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Book: Read Die Dead Enough for Free Online
Authors: William Kenney
not like all those movies, man," said Bobo in a hushed tone.
    "What do you mean?" Conor asked, peering out at the zombies that lumbered out of the alleyway and into the street. They looked straight at Conor as if they had heard him speak.
    Not possible. We're too far away.
    "I mean you cut that motherfucker's head off and it got back up," said Bobo.
    Conor raised a hand to silence him, then motioned for all of them to move farther into the parking structure. They ran through rows of vehicles, moving toward the building that it fronted. They tried the nearest door, found it unlocked and ducked inside.
    Conor held a finger to his lips as he took a few tentative steps into what appeared to be a receptionist area and large lobby. The power was out and it was quiet within.
    "Doris says I can have applesauce," Albert blurted out suddenly, his voice echoing in the room.
    "Shhh..." several of the others said and then they heard a scuffled down the hallway. Something had been alerted to their presence. Something had heard Albert's voice.
    "Oh, goddamn," Uncle Leo whispered, glancing down the hall. It was a typical office building with multiple doors on either side of the corridor. At the far end, they noticed blood stains on the carpet as if something had been dragged around the corner.
    On its hands and knees a dead thing came into view, shreds of meat hanging from its teeth. In life it had been a woman, long matted hair now hanging in clumps from its skull. One eye was missing, only a dark, dripping hollow left in its place. Upon seeing them, its posture stiffened, single eye staring with hunger as it rose to its feet.
    Mina screamed, her father trying to quickly silence her.
    The sound of breaking glass exploded somewhere behind them as her scream got the attention of the creatures outside. Conor could not see them yet, but the sound of an army of the dead grew louder and louder as the monsters converged on their location.
    The dead woman at the end of the hall lurched forward, running with an awkward gait, bouncing off the walls, leaving her bodily fluids in streaks as she rushed toward them, barking like a mad dog.
    "Fuck this shit!" Bobo shouted and backed away, scanning the doors around them. One door gave access to the stairwell. He wrenched the door open and ran inside, glancing up and down the steps. "Come on, ya'll!" he called out, motioning them inside.
    Vernon stood between the zombie woman and his daughters, his hands balled into fists.
    "Get them outta here," he said as the zombie crashed into him, fingernails tearing at the skin of his cheeks as he tried to push her back. He shoved her away, blood running down his face as he punched her hard in the face, dislodging what was left of her nose.
    Klaus abruptly appeared at Vernon's side, black-handled scissors in his hand as he lunged for the dead woman. After a few tries, he managed to bury the blades in her good eye, sending her spinning in circles as she screeched and clawed at the walls.
    "She's blind. Let's get out of here," Klaus said, pulling Vernon along behind him.
    Immediately the zombie locked on to the sound of Klaus' voice and came running directly at him. He side-stepped, tripping her and stomping on her head as she struggled on the floor. Her brittle skull caved in, soupy brains running out onto the carpet.
    Still she did not die. She continued thrashing, attempting to stand.
    "Bobo's right," Klaus whispered. "These are like the zombies you see in the movies. These things don't seem to die. Ever."
    They were all in the stairwell with the door closed behind them when hundreds of the dead came crashing down the corridor, growling, eyes darting about erratically, searching for the living things that they had heard.
    Aiden held the door closed, staring through the small rectangular window while keeping his face from view. It took several tense minutes for the horde to pass, their horrible noise eventually fading into the distance. He turned to look at the others,

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