Devoted Defender
Inn and brought it here.”
    “Thank you. I hadn’t even thought about that,” she said.
    “That’s why I’m here.”
    “This is a big place.”
    “Tons of room for me plus other family who come and visit. And of course, my two dogs. I got a great deal on the place when the owner decided to retire down to Florida. I’ve loved this house since I was a kid, and knew one day if I could, I wanted to live here.”
    “It’s amazing. So much character. Not like all the new construction.”
    “It has its benefits and disadvantages but overall I love it, and I have a nice big fenced-in yard in the back for the dogs.” He ushered her up the front steps. She heard the sound of his dogs barking loudly with excitement.
    He stopped outside the front door. “I hope you’re okay with dogs.”
    She nodded. “I love dogs.”
    “Come on inside. I don’t want to stand out here in the open.”
    She walked in and was greeted by two very excited balls of fur. One dog looked like a black lab and the other looked like a brown mix of some sort. But they were both large and very friendly.
    “Down,” Caleb said, his voice stern.
    The dogs immediately obeyed him.
    “And what are their names?”
    “The black lab is Buddy and the brown mix is Bailey. I’ve only had them for about six months, but I’ve been really focused on their training. They were dropped off as strays at the station, and I just couldn’t have them put down. That would’ve happened if I had taken them to the county shelter.”
    Annie was impressed with how composed the dogs were in the face of a new visitor. Their tails were wagging and tongues were hanging out of their mouths. But she was even more impressed with Caleb’s big heart. “I love dogs. I don’t mind if they get a bit excitable.”
    “Still, I don’t like them jumping on people. Come on in, and I’ll show you around.”
    They walked through the foyer into the living room with the dogs trailing close behind with wagging tails. The living room was spacious and held two big beige couches. She followed him into the bright and airy kitchen.
    “I tried to tone down some of the colors from the previous owner, but it seemed right to keep the kitchen bright. I have a couple of spare bedrooms. You can take your pick.”
    “Thank you. Which one does Gabby use?”
    “Top floor at the end of the hall on the left. All the others are up for grabs.”
    “Are you sure she won’t mind?” She didn’t think Gabby was thrilled about her when they met earlier, and now she was going to be staying here with Caleb.
    “Gabby understands how serious the threats are against you. She will do everything she can to help. You don’t have to worry about that.”
    She wasn’t so sure about that, but she didn’t push the issue. He gave her a few minutes alone to settle in. She couldn’t believe she had taken refuge with the chief of police. It was the last place she would’ve thought to find safety, but there she was.
    She chose a room on the second floor next to Gabby’s at the opposite end of the hall from his. While he’d given her the option to stay on the first floor, he had said he would feel better with her being up there with him in case anything happened. She had a spacious room decorated in a beige and navy motif and her own private bath.
    It was true that she would’ve preferred to stay at the Inn to have her independence, but right now really wasn’t the time to focus on that. She was in danger. Silva wanted her dead, as evidenced by the attack today. And even though the shooter was in custody, Silva could just send someone else who would try to finish the job. So she didn’t have any choice but to seek safety at Caleb’s.
    Lord, what were the Perry’s involved with? She was certain that if it was worth killing over, it had to be quite a large illegal money making venture.
    She took a few minutes to freshen up and examine the bruises that had formed on her neck. It could’ve been so much

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