
Read DevilsBoudoirSeriesSecretDesire for Free Online

Book: Read DevilsBoudoirSeriesSecretDesire for Free Online
the club downstairs most nights anyway. You can stay there until you get back on your feet. All the utilities are paid for the next full month, and it’s still furnished, so you should be all set.” When he reached for the key, she jerked it back. “But , if you hurt Eve, if you try to make her give up who she is, the part of her that is from the same world as the part of me that you hated, I promise you, I will never forgive you.”

“Reeses, you won’t have to . If he hurts Eve, they’ll never find the pieces of his body.” The dark, well-dressed man turned to Deacon, and he suddenly felt like a bug under a microscope. “Eve is my sister . She’s had a hell of a life, it’s made her what she is . I couldn’t protect her when we were kids, but I will damn sure protect her now. IF you hurt her in anyway, there will be no coming back, no matter how much my darling begs for mercy for you. I would give her the world, but I will not tolerate anyone hurting my sister, or my Rissa. Do we have an understanding?” Deacon nodded as Rissa slid up beside Evan, tucking under his arm, winding around him so that it was hard to tell where one ended and the other began.
    “Alright then . Since you two are so cozy, Eve can take you over to the loft. I’ll call and have food delivered. It’ll be there when you arrive. I think there’s a box of your things still in the back of the closet.” Rissa turned, and she and Evan headed outside into the cold sunshine. A sleek town car picked them up, whisking them to who knew where. He was left behind with the mostly naked siren Dominatrix that had shown him a world of possibilities, and not one, but two, of the most powerful o rgasms he’d ever experienced in his entire life. He was scared, aroused and strangely enough, he was falling head first into a feeling of belonging when she looked at him with a smile.
    “Well, come on, Deacon . Looks like it ’ s moving day for you.” Eve didn’t bother to change; she strutted right out the door in her robe and boots, wearing nothing else but her keys and cell phone. In the sunshine, her golden hair gleamed. Each gust of wind that toyed with the hem of her robe, exposing a glimpse of pleasure-swollen flesh had him nearly crawling on his knees behind her, begging for more.
    Chapter Five
    It had been days since their first encounter, just minutes after a meeting, and Deacon was sitting in his plush, oversized executive’s chair in his office chewing on the cap of a pen still daydreaming about it all. That experience had been so unlike any o f the others he’d had ; for starters, the sting of her crop and the bite of her pinching his nipples had been more thrilling than painful. Then there was the whole she was in charge thing. For someone who’d known him all of five minutes before humping his brains out, she’d been right about a lot of things. There was something buried deep inside of him that desperately yearned to be dominated — to hand over everything and just feel — to be free of everything. Scrubbing a hand over his face, he wondered what his father would think of him now. He could practically hear his voice booming in his ears, “ Men should be strong, dominant, in charge, not wussy little pussies. Real men don’t need women; they don’t need anything from anybody. Only thing a woman is good for is a warm place to stick your dick until you get your rocks off. If you’re not the winner, you’re a loser . If you’re not the boss, you’re a failure . Plain as that, son.”
    God, he’d had that lecture so many times as a kid, and as a teenager, he’d almost given that as the eulogy at his dad’s funeral five years ago . He hated the way his dad looked at women, and he’d promised himself he’d never be with a weak woman who would let him walk all over her. It’d been why he rejected R issa’s need to submit, why he could never see submission as a strength instead of a weakness. If his father knew he’d fallen head

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