Destiny's Detour

Read Destiny's Detour for Free Online

Book: Read Destiny's Detour for Free Online
Authors: Mari Brown
Tags: Erótica, Literature & Fiction
    “It is a little strange, right? He hasn’t said anything about it. He’s always quick to say something when it comes to you.”
    I notice that as he speaks there is a slight hesitation, but I put it to the back of my mind.
    “Maybe he is finally letting me grow up.”
    We both snicker at that. The more I think about it, the more I wonder what is going on with David. He is being a little too accepting of this whole fake relationship. Especially since we have no problem with making it look real.
    Troy restarts the car and we head off for the party once again. We arrive at the fraternity house and I am surprised by how many students are already on campus and attending a party. This place is packed and loud bass is pumping through the windows. Troy helps me out of the car and takes my hand to lead me up the steps. It still feels strange holding hands with Troy. The boundary lines of our friendship keep getting blurred. Fake is starting to become a little too real for me. Damn.
    When we walk through the house, I notice the girls are wearing even less then I am and I am not covered up. The guys all pretty much have on jeans or shorts with a T-shirt. We find our friends in a back room near the bar. I am not surprised to see them close to the alcohol. Troy asks me if I want a drink and I say yes so he makes his way to the bar while I go stand near Amy. Amy smiles as I walk up to her. She is giving me one of her ‘I know something you don’t know’ smiles.
    “Amy, what is up with you?”
    “Nothing, my dear, best friend. I am just happy.”
    Troy comes up and hands me my drink.
    “Thanks, Troy.” I drop questioning Amy any further as the music pulsates around us. I don’t think I want us to have this conversation in front of Troy.
    “No problem,” he says with a smile.
    Sigh. That boy has one hell of a smile. I really need to get a grip. I go back to talking to my girl. After finishing my drink, we are ready to hit the dance floor. I let David know where we are headed. He nods his head to acknowledge that he hears me. I know better than to walk off without letting my brother know where I am going.
    The girls and I spend the next hour on the dance floor. We decide to break for a round of drinks and make our way back to the bar. No surprise, the guys are still hanging out in the bar room although they have moved to pool. We go up to the bar and all of us order a shot and a beer. We down our shots together at the bar then grabbed our beers and walk over to the pool table.
    I am standing there drinking my beer when strong arms circle around my waist. I look over my shoulder to see Troy standing behind me.
    I smile, and I don’t know why but the question just pops out of my mouth. “Troy, doesn’t it suck you can’t pick up girls at the party because you are stuck with me?”
    A flash of emotion crosses his face before he smirks. “No, because I already hooked up with the most beautiful girl here and plan to take her home with me.”
    That makes my stomach do flip-flops. Yep, not good. I am heading into dangerous territory.
    One of the guy's scores a round of shots for everyone and that seems to kick off my night. From that point on, I lose count of how much alcohol enters my system. I am feeling good, and Troy and I have been hanging all over each other, sneaking little kisses here and there. I want him to spend the night in my room tonight, but I’m not saying anything about that to him just yet.
    At one point, David pulls me aside and asks, “What are you doing, Destiny?”
    I look at him funny because I don’t get what he means.
    “Destiny, I am talking about you and Troy. I think you guys are pushing this pretending thing too far.”
    Ha, that line has been crossed already, big bro , but I am not telling him that.
    “David, don’t worry. I’m a big girl. I know what I’m doing. Your little sister grew up two years ago when you weren’t there to look over my shoulder every

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