Delusional Love (2nd Edition)

Read Delusional Love (2nd Edition) for Free Online

Book: Read Delusional Love (2nd Edition) for Free Online
Authors: Sage Young
weekend.” ‘Please, this has
to work’ she thought. Nervously she continued: “We have both been burning
the midnight oil at work and I think we could use a break. No strings attached,
of course, just relaxation and fun, you won’t regret it and I will totally make
it worth your while.”

    He looked
at her with a raised eyebrow, but did not answer.

answer me now, just think about it and let me know.”

Ashley, I don’t want you to think this arrangement is going somewhere, because
it’s not. I have been upfront with you from the beginning. You know I am not
looking for a relationship. I have too many things going.”

was extremely disappointed but not surprised.
had done her homework on Mr. Ivan Quinn and she knew that he had not been
attached to any woman longer than six months; so she thought she gained the
upper hand because they had been seeing each other for almost a year.

I think that it’s time we end this. I really need to concentrate on my business
with no distractions. You are a great woman but I think this has run its
course.” Ashley was fuming inside ‘Distraction?
He thinks I'm a distraction. Well you are not getting off that easy Ivan, ’
She thought. ‘I hope my plan B is
working.’ She thought as she tried to get her anger under control.

Ivan, we both knew this would end. I was just hoping we’d have more time
together. At least go on a commitment-free weekend getaway.” She said trying to
keep her voice from trembling.

not going to happen, Ashley.” Ivan responded in a monotone voice.   Ashley wanted to scream; she had to get
her anger in check.

Ivan, at least we can remain friends. Possibly friends with occasional
benefits.” She said with a smile that did not reach her eyes. Ivan looked at
her, thinking how great the sex had been between the two of them and an
occasional hook up couldn’t hurt.

      “Speaking of benefits, will you at least
give me tonight to have my way with you?” She said with a slight laugh. “You
are definitely a piece of work.” He responded with a slight smile.

dinner they headed to Ivan’s condo. As soon as they reached the foyer Ashley
immediately pulled Ivan into a passionate kiss. She parted her lips inviting
his tongue and he obliged. She kissed him with urgency as she ran her fingers
through his hair, pulling him in tighter to the kiss. After a few seconds she
released him.

don’t you lock up and I will meet you in the bedroom,” Ashley said seductively.

I just need to make a call,” Ivan said.

take too long,” she said with a lustful look in her eyes.   Ivan walked to his bar and poured
himself a drink, sat down, and dialed the phone.

waiting for Ivan Ashley went over to Ivan’s nightstand to make sure he was
still using the same box of condoms she placed there a month ago. ‘Damn, we’ve only used half the box of
condoms.’ She thought back on how she had purchased the same brand Ivan
uses, carefully poked holes in every one of the condoms in the box and replaced
his with her tampered box. She was careful to make sure that she matched the
same number as was in the original box. ‘This
has to work.’ She was confident that she was the only one Ivan was sleeping
with; there was no chance he would be using those condoms with anyone else.
Ashley quietly closed the drawer. She stripped down to her red lace bra and
thong and waited patiently for Ivan.

hung up the cell phone and his mind instantly thought of his new assistant.
‘What the hell is wrong with me?’ He thought as he tried to clear his head. Ashley
appeared in the room and walked over to him.

taking so long, I almost started without you.” She said with a sexy smile.

coming, I just needed to return some calls.”

walked over to him and

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