Defensive Heart: The Donnolleys, Book 2
empty car.
    She gasped and stepped in. The brushed steel doors closed and she pressed her lips together. Did he really just say that? Fine. He could be a smart ass all he wanted. It would make this all the easier. “Look, Mr. Donnelly. It’s obvious to me our little exchange in Las Vegas meant more to you than it did me. I’m flattered, really. But I think it’s best you go play with those other girls . This woman has no time for your fun.”
    The bell announcing the ground floor dinged. Perfect timing. Shifting her bag on her hip, she exited the elevator. Sonja didn’t look back this time and assumed he wasn’t following. Her retort had to have stung. Good. Damn.
    She didn’t care.
    Really, she didn’t. Crap. Did she?
    Sonja stepped on to the busy rush-hour-clogged sidewalk and fanned herself. The evening air was chilly, but it wasn’t doing a damn thing to cool her off. Setting her bag down, she removed her suit jacket.
    “Let me carry this for you.” Jimmy bent and picked up her briefcase. “I think we should have dinner tonight. You look hungry.”
    “Can’t you take a hint?”
    James wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her tight against his chest. Her breath gushed out when their bodies collided. Hard lean muscles pressed to her chest, stomach and hips. Good God, she was going to burn alive.
    “I can take hints just fine, Sonja-the-lawyer.” His lips were so close to hers, almost touching, but not quite.
    If she breathed too deep, they’d be kissing. Sonja froze. She couldn’t kiss him. Could not. “What are you doing?”
    “I’m taking every hint you’re passing me. You want me just as bad as I want you. I can practically feel it rolling off you in waves.”
    Sonja licked her lips and inhaled slowly. “I don’t…” Despite her frustration, her body softened in his embrace and traitorous nerve endings vibrated to attention. She cursed herself and dug her nails into his arms. “You can’t…”
    “You do. And I can.” He nipped her bottom lip before releasing her.
    Every inch of Sonja’s skin came alive, tingling from the contact, and her ability to think straight short-circuited. She let her breath out in a rush and gulped in another, seeking oxygen to fill her body in order to calm down. He stood before her, an intent look in his eyes; their gazes locked. What the hell am I going to do with him?
    “Let’s go get a burger. There’s a great place in the Village. You’ll love it.” He smiled.
    Say no, Sonja. Say no. “Fine. Dinner. But that’s it. And stop telling me what to do, dammit. I don’t know where you get off thinking you can order me around, Mr. Donnelly. I won’t tolerate it.”
    “Call me James.” He walked past her to the curb and hailed a cab.
    Sonja stepped next to him and smoothed the back of her hair. Arrogant jerk. Her heart raced. She ran her tongue over her bottom lip—she could still feel the little sting from his bite. His scent of clean soap with a hint of cologne lingered in her nose—her weakness. But then again James Donnelly seemed to personify her weakness.
    He opened the cab door.
    “Just dinner.” She took another deep breath and got inside the cab.

Chapter Six
    Jimmy sat across from Sonja and watched while she tried for all it was worth to look proper eating a messy bacon double cheeseburger. She hadn’t wanted the layers of sloppy goodness and protested at every turn, but he’d ordered it anyway.
    The woman was uptight. Actually, she made uptight look like child’s play. Not that it deterred him. After all, he lived in New York City, for fuck’s sake. “Bitch” was a theme there among almost all women. The difference with Sonja was the fire burning in her eyes. It was a blaze she kept carefully contained and Jimmy wanted to set it free and watch it burn. “You got a little something there.” Leaning across the table, he swiped the drop of ketchup off her chin with his thumb and then sucked it between his lips.
    Sonja froze a

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