Dean Koontz's Frankenstein 4-Book Bundle

Read Dean Koontz's Frankenstein 4-Book Bundle for Free Online

Book: Read Dean Koontz's Frankenstein 4-Book Bundle for Free Online
Authors: Dean Koontz
twice the man he should have been.
    â€œAre you Jelly Biggs?” Deucalion asked.
    â€œDo I look like I’m not?”
    â€œYou’re not fat enough.”
    â€œWhen I was a star in the ten-in-one, I weighed almost three hundred more. I’m half the man I used to be.”
    â€œBen sent for me. I’m Deucalion.”
    â€œYeah, I figured. In the old days, a face like yours was gold in the carnival.”
    â€œWe’re both blessed, aren’t we?”
    Stepping back, motioning Deucalion to enter, Biggs said, “Ben told me a lot about you. He didn’t mention the tattoo.”
    â€œIt’s new.”
    â€œThey’re fashionable these days,” said Jelly Biggs.
    Deucalion stepped across the threshold into a wide but shabby hallway. “And me,” he said drily, “I’ve always been a fashion plate.”

    BEHIND THE BIG theater screen, the Luxe featured a labyrinth of passages, storage closets, and rooms that no patron had ever visited. With a rolling gait and heavy respiration, Jelly led the way past crates, mildewed cardboard boxes, and moisture-curled posters and stand-ups that promoted old films.
    â€œBen put seven names on the letter he sent me,” Deucalion said.
    â€œYou once mentioned Rombuk monastery, so he figured you might still be there, but he didn’t know what name you’d be using.”
    â€œHe shouldn’t have shared my names.”
    â€œJust knowin’ your aliases doesn’t mean I can mojo you.”
    They arrived at a door that wore an armor-thick coat of green paint. Biggs opened it, switched on a light, gestured for Deucalion to enter ahead of him.
    A windowless but cozy apartment lay beyond. A kitchenette was adjacent to the combination bedroom and living room. Ben loved books, and two walls were lined with them.
    Jelly Biggs said, “It’s a sweet place you inherited.”
    The key word whipped through Deucalion’s mind before lashing back with a sharp sting. “Inherited. What do you mean? Where’s Ben?”
    Jelly looked surprised. “You didn’t get my letter?”
    â€œOnly his.”
    Jelly sat on one of the chrome and red-vinyl chairs at the dinette table. It creaked. “Ben was mugged.”
    The world is an ocean of pain. Deucalion felt the old familiar tide wash through him.
    â€œThis isn’t the best part of town, and getting worse,” Biggs said. “Ben bought the Luxe when he retired from the carnival. The neighborhood was supposed to be turning around. It didn’t. The place would be hard to sell these days, so Ben wanted to hold on.”
    â€œHow did it happen?” Deucalion asked.
    â€œStabbed. More than twenty times.”
    Anger, like a long-repressed hunger, rose in Deucalion. Once anger had been his meat, and feasting on it, he had starved.
    If he let this anger grow, it would quickly become fury—and devour him. For decades he had kept this lightning in a bottle, securely stoppered, but now he longed to pull the cork.
    And then…what? Become the monster again? Pursued by mobs with torches, with pitchforks and guns, running, running, running with hounds baying for his blood?
    â€œHe was everybody’s second father,” said Jelly Biggs. “Best damn carnie boss I ever knew.”
    During the past two centuries, Ben Jonas had been one of a precious handful of people with whom Deucalion had shared his true origins, one of the few he had ever trusted completely.
    He said, “He was murdered after he contacted me.”
    Biggs frowned. “You say that like there’s a connection.”
    â€œDid they ever find the killer?”
    â€œNo. That’s not unusual. The letter to you, the mugging—just a coincidence.”
    At last putting down his suitcase, Deucalion said, “There are no coincidences.”
    Jelly Biggs looked up from the dinette chair and met Deucalion’s eyes. Without a word they understood that

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