Deadly Gorgeous Beauty
and instead stared at the
couple. I then saw them nodding their heads like he had just told
them something.
    This got me thinking. "Was Jake really
telepathic?" meaning can he communicate with the mind and does he
really have powers like me.
    My thoughts were interrupted when Jake said
to me "Sonia I would like you to meet my parents."
    My jaw dropped open when he said this as the
couple looked to be the same age as him 21.
    "Maybe they adopted him." I thought to
myself. I then noticed them still staring at me causing me to think
that by now they already thought I was a slut.
    I would think the same thing if I found my
son making out and almost sleeping with some girl wearing only a
small white towel. I started to panic as my mind started telling me
ideas that they were going to shout at me or worse kick me out
looking like this.
    I just looked at them waiting for their
reaction; suddenly the woman surprised me by coming to me and
giving me a motherly warm hug.
    At first I just froze from shock as that's
not the reaction I was expecting then I returned the hug. She then
looked at me like she was studying me then said "Wow you are really
beautiful I can see why my son can't keep his hands off you."
    My cheeks started burning from the comment
but before I could say anything Jake's father came and patted him
on the back. He then cooed at Jake, "Aww Jake don't be angry with
me your mother made me do it."
    But then Jake's mom interrupted them,
scolding Jake by saying, "Jake, I knew the moment one of the
servants told me you were in the same room as her there was going
to be trouble, as you can't control yourself! You know how I feel
about sex before marriage. So I took it upon myself and your father
to come and save this pure innocent girl from you!"
    I was really surprised by her comment then
Jake replied, "Mom I'm an adult I can control myself you know, we
weren't doing anything."
    But his mother knew his was lying so she
scolded him more and saying, "Well what I saw was not control as
you were practically just about to unwrap that girl's- but before
she could finish I quickly made a small fake cough as I didn't like
were this was going.
    Everybody looked at me causing me more
embarrassment when I looked at what I was still wearing. I then
thought to myself, how had I ended up in this situation? As all I
had just wanted was to take some clothes and change.
    Now I was stuck in a room with the man I was
about to sleep with and his parents only wearing a towel. I felt so
    Jake's mom sensed my uncomfortableness so she
said to me 'Sorry my dear for making you uncomfortable and I'm
taking everybody out so you can change into something decent.'
    With that said she took herself, her gorgeous
son and her husband out of the room.

Chapter 11

    Once I was sure they were gone I sighed from
relief while falling on the bed so that my head was now facing the
    "Wow." I thought to myself as so many things
happened to me today. I found out I had slept in some huge mansion,
made a friend and almost slept with this man I was falling in love
with meeting his parents in the process.
    How did my life lead up to this? I thought to
myself as I quickly changed from the towel to my clothes. Just
yesterday my life was just simple and predictable but today
everything that happened had just been unpredictable and full of
    Just then my phone started ringing and the
caller ID read Stacy. I wanted to ignore her because of yesterday
in the car. She practically ignored me when I called her in my mind
and I know she could hear me.
    But then I really wanted her to finish
telling me the sentence she didn't finish. I wanted to know what
Jake was and why he did not want me to know so I answered it. I
quickly yelled at her!
    "You have some explaining to do and if you
don't!" but before I could finish she just blurted out,
    "Your apartment just burnt down."
    I opened my eyes wide with horror while
thinking did she say what I just heard her

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