Abandoned them.
    “ Good riddance to the
bitch,” he said. “We’re better off without her.”
    For a few months it had just been him
and his Dad. Life was better. They would often go to the movies to
see Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis or Sylvester Stallone. They
were his favorites. The movies had lots of killing and explosions.
They brought lots of thrills.
    Then his Dad started seeing other
women. Most of them slept over from time to time, but didn’t stay
    But one of his girlfriends, named
Gina, moved in with them. Things were fine at first but after a few
months the arguments started. The shouting got to him. He kept to
his room most times when they were fighting and listened to his
music to shut out the noise.
    Gina never learned. She kept provoking
his Dad. He called her a tramp and accused her of sleeping around.
He started to beat on her like his Mom. But unlike his Mom, Gina
fought back and often gave back as well as she received.
    One night during a particularly
vicious beating, she reached for a heavy iron frying pan on the
    Thwaack! She crashed it against Dad’s
skull. His eyes rolled and his legs gave way. He crashed to the
floor unconscious.
    He remembered the commotion that
followed. The paramedics. The police. They put Gina in handcuffs
and took her away. He was turned over to the Children’s Aid
    His Dad never recovered. He died in
hospital. An embolism, they said.
    Gina was charged with manslaughter,
but a female lawyer got her off with a self-defence plea and a not
guilty verdict by the jury.
    Again it was women sticking up for
women and he was left an orphan. He missed his Dad
    After a series of foster homes, he
struck out on his own when he turned 18. He dropped out of school
and took several low paying laboring jobs, but never held on to
them. Then he saw a recruitment poster for the Canadian
    He signed up and spent five years in
the forces. It was a life he enjoyed.
    They taught him how to kill
efficiently and effectively. It was a structured life. He followed
orders and was well fed. He was able to travel.
    He was stationed at several bases
across the country and served a one-year tour of duty in
    It was in Bosnia that he had his first
    A buxom young woman he met in a
tavern. They had a few drinks. She laughed and was flirtatious.
They got along famously. She invited him back to her
    She serviced him like no other woman
he had met. She started with oral sex -- he felt a level of ecstasy
he had never before experienced. This was followed by passionate
lovemaking bringing him to a tremendous climax.
    Afterwards she asked for
    “ You’re nothing but a
common whore!” he exploded.
    “ What did you expect
lover? I gave you the best sex you’ll ever get. A girl has to eat.
Surely you don’t think I’m in love with you.” She threw her head
back and laughed heartily.
    “ You goddamn cunt. I
thought you liked me.”
    “ I do lover. I love a man
in uniform and his money.” She laughed again.
    Something snapped in his brain. He
reached down on the bed and with his large hands grasped her neck –
choking off the laugh.
    She struggled. He saw the fear come
into her eyes.
    He felt the power. It felt
    He was in charge.
    Her life was in his hands. He kept
squeezing tighter and tighter till her eyeballs looked like they
would pop out of her skull. Soon she ceased to struggle and he felt
the life ebb out of her and through his body. His orgasm was even
greater this time.
    He cradled her breasts one last time
and sunk his teeth into each one – leaving his mark.
    He quietly snuck away from her room.
No one had seen him. The murder would be just one more whore found
in an undesirable area in a country where killing and ethnic
cleansing were routine.
    The case would go unsolved, but the
Wolfman was only just getting started.
    He finished typing his message to that
uppity newspaper bitch. He vowed she would be seeing

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