Dead Life (Book 4)

Read Dead Life (Book 4) for Free Online

Book: Read Dead Life (Book 4) for Free Online
Authors: D. Harrison Schleicher
Tags: Zombies
“Look what you did to my children. They can't help what they are you know. The hunger, it drives them.”
                  “We didn't do this. You did.”
                  “That depends on how you look at things. All I did was try to save lives. Your government took my research and tried to turn it into a weapon. They set up a separate lab and started their own experiments. They did this. Not me.”
                  “Yeah, but you spread the virus.”
                  “That's right, I did. They thought I was a fool. That I could be led on a leash. They promised to help me restore my reputation. But I knew what they wanted the whole time. I set them up. I didn't know it would be like this, but oh it is beautiful.”
                  There was no use trying to argue with this creature. He was as crazy as a shit house rat. The longer I kept him talking though the more time it gave Sergeant Adams to get up that staircase. Our radios wouldn't work down inside the missile silo and I hoped the Sergeant could alert Lieutenant Price as to what was headed his way before we got there. If something happened to our pilot we would all be stuck out here. He dropped Lily in a heap by the door and opened a hidden panel exposing a keypad. He typed in some numbers and closed the panel.
                  “See if you can wake her up. I'm tired of carrying her.”
                  I knelt down next to Lily and went through the motions of trying to awaken her. It didn't take long for her to come around since she was awake already.
                  “What happened?” she asked.
                  “Dr. Parks captured us. Sergeant Adams is still down in the silo. We're headed back to the chopper and I'm going to fly us out of here.”
                  “Is that the doctor? He looks like one of the zombies.”
                  “It's a long story. He got infected but before he changed...”
                  “Tell her later,” he said. “Quit stalling. Take me to the chopper.”
                  “I'll tell you on the way Corporal,” I said. “What did you just do?”
                  “After we leave, the next time that door opens the installation blows. They'll have five minutes. Gives them just enough time to get down to the lab. Then the fail safe system kicks in. The bottom chambers fill with gas, then it all goes sky high.”
                  “You said you'd let Adams live.”
                  “I did, didn't I. Guess I lied.” He reached down and grabbed a fistful of Lily's hair, dragging her to her feet. “Take the lead Captain.”
                  We went out the door. Parks kept pushing Lily out in front of him and pulling her back by the hair. She reached up and grabbed his hand in an attempt to ease the pain. The doctor responded by pulling her back to his mouth and trying to bite her hand. Lily let go and was able to move her hand just as his teeth closed on a mouthful of her hair.
                  “I wouldn't try that again,” he said. “Maybe it's too late. Do you think the virus transmits through hair?”
                  I looked back at him and he smiled through a mouth filled with the hair he'd bitten off Lily. Then he chewed and swallowed.
                  I wanted to do something, anything. This bastard was going to die and I wanted to be the one to take him out. The anger etched across Lily's face told me she was just as mad as I was. She mouthed the words “I'm okay” and nodded her head as best she could with a zombie holding her tightly by the hair. She was letting me know she was okay and to keep moving. I went out the gate and moved down the path-road leading to the landing pad. I walked as slow as I possibly could trying to give the

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