Dead Life (Book 2)

Read Dead Life (Book 2) for Free Online

Book: Read Dead Life (Book 2) for Free Online
Authors: D. Harrison Schleicher
Tags: Zombies
here everyday.  Maybe when they got here, something inside of them recognized where they were.  Do any of them look familiar?”
                  “There was a couple earlier that I recognized but other than them, no.  It was usually pretty slow at night though.  Maybe all of them were regulars and came here during the day.”
                  “Yeah, well, the steaks are done.  Let's get downstairs and eat.”
                  As I took the steaks off the grill, I remembered there was something that had been bothering me.  A question I had to ask Al.  It really wasn't any of my business but I had to know.
                  “So what's the story with you and Cindy?”
                  “We've been friends for years.  You know all you dumb asses on the street should have done more than sit on your porches and stare.  You should have gone and knocked on her door.  That's what I did the first time she cut her grass after I'd moved in.  You know what they say.  'He who hesitates is lost'.”
                  “Well, most of those guys were married and had families.  Besides, she seems pretty smitten with you.”
                  “That's true.  She does have good taste in men.”
                  “I wouldn't go that far.”
                  By this time, we'd reached the conference room where the girls were waiting for us and our conversation ended.  Gina and Cindy had prepared a meal fit for a king.  There was a fresh salad, fresh green beans, baked potatoes, and cornbread. 
                  “We won't be able to eat like this once we're on the road so we went all out.”  Cindy said.
                  The television was on and one of the local news stations was still on the air.  The broadcaster looked a little rough.  I was betting he hadn't left the studio for at least two days.
                  “Marshall law is still in effect.  Government officials are advising all citizens to remain in their homes.  National Guard sources say house to house sweeps are being made.  Evacuation centers are open and citizens are being moved to these now.  We repeat.  Remain in your homes and wait for help to arrive.”
                  “Access to major highways and bridges have been blocked.  Highways are impassable.  Side streets are congested with abandoned vehicles.  We're being asked not to make matters worse by trying to make it to evacuation centers in our personal vehicles.  Once again, remain in your homes.  Help will be there soon.”
                  I reached up and turned the volume down.  “Seems to me they're feeding people a load of crap.  I haven't seen any National Guard troops since that bunch got slaughtered this morning.”
                  “Whatever help was out there before, ain't there now.  The only hope people have is if the government gets the Army or Marines active in this area.  Even then, it's going to be a long time before they're going to be able to offer any help to anybody.”  Al said.
                  “I think we should stay here and wait for help to come.  Maybe the Army will come soon.  Then they can get us to an evacuation center.”  Cindy said.
                  “Baby, nobody's coming to help us.  You saw what happened to that National Guard unit.  And the regular army is spread too thin to be of any help to us.  Our only hope is to get somewhere in the country with less people and less zombies.”
                  “Gina, have you been able to get a hold of your father?”  Cindy asked.
                  “No, every time I try, the call won't go through.  I think the cell service is out on his end.  I'm getting three bars so I assume the problem is between here and Boonville.”
              “Then why the hell are we

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