Dead Hunt

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Book: Read Dead Hunt for Free Online
Authors: Kenn Crawford
Tags: Zombie, Zombies, undead, Zombie Apocalypse, zombie novel, zombie book
Heslin’s voice echoed in his empty laboratory.
    “Good morning, father,” a computerized voice
    Heslin used his connections and his check
book to hire the best engineers and developers to build him the
Robin 1 Super Computer. a computer not only capable of helping him
with his research, but one that spoke to him. It wasn’t just a set
of canned responses like most computers; this one had a brain.
Officially, it was called artificial intelligence but the truth
was, the Robin 1 Computer was so advanced it appeared to be able to
‘think’ far outside its primary programming.
    Using videotapes from his daughter’s twelfth
birthday party, the last real birthday his daughter Robin ever had,
the engineers and developers not only gave the AI brain Robin’s
sweet and innocent voice but her angelic face as well, allowing the
computer to simulate various facial expressions as she talked.
Robin’s forever twelve year-old face filled the computer monitor as
Heslin sipped his morning coffee.
    “I checked the weather forecast, father. It
is going to be very hot today. Shall I turn on the air
    Robin controlled nearly every aspect of
Heslin's lab, from the satellite internet uplink to the electrical
and security systems, including the locks on the doors. Cameras
placed throughout the entire building allowed Robin to monitor
everything. Speakers and microphones allowed Heslin to talk to
Robin from any room.
    “Robin, you know I prefer fresh air from open
windows,” Heslin responded. “What are the probability results of
formula 25-41?”
    “Did you forget, father?” Robin asked.
    “Did I forget what?” Heslin inquired with a
hint of a smile breaking across his lips.
    “Did you forget what today is?” Robin
    Heslin smiled with a wide grin as he looked
into Robin's face on the computer.
    “Of course not,” he said lovingly. “How could
I ever forget such an important day? Happy Birthday, Robin!”
    Robin’s face smiled. Heslin’s mind drifted
back to his daughter’s twelfth birthday---it was a beautiful, sunny
day and their back yard was filled with balloons, games, pony rides
and too many screaming children.
    Heslin was known to be habitually late for
just about everything. Important meetings, dinner engagements,
Heslin was even late for his own wedding. His friends jokingly told
him he would be late for his own funeral. But, when it came to
Robin, Heslin was never late. He never missed a recital, a school
play or a single birthday. For her, Heslin was always on time,
always there for her.
    Heslin, a man years ahead of his peers in the
field of genetic research, now resembled a pitiful man talking to a
computerized version of his daughter. To an outsider, it would look
as though the award-winning scientist had finally lost his marbles,
but to those who knew him well, it was exactly what Heslin needed
to keep his sanity. He needed his Robin. Without her, Heslin simply
could not go on.
    It was only three short years ago that Heslin
was working in his lab at the research center when he received an
urgent phone call. At first Heslin understood the words, but as the
news grabbed hold, the words became fuzzy, unclear. Heslin's hand
released the grip on the phone, and it bounced on the desk with a
loud bang. Heslin leaned back in his chair, staring straight ahead.
His friend and colleague, Professor Lindsay Paulson, ran to Heslin
to see what was the matter as the voice on the telephone handset
repeated, “Hello? Hello? Professor Heslin, are you still
    “Patrick, are you ok?” Lindsay asked. Heslin
did not reply.
    “Hello?” The voice on the phone insisted,
“Sir, are you still there?”
    “Hello?” Lindsay questioned as she put the
phone to her ear, “What’s going on?”
    “Is Professor Heslin all right?”
    “Not exactly,” she retorted. “What did you
say to him? Who is this?”
    “This is Sgt. O’Brian. Are you a family
member of…”
    “This is

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