Dead Girl Walking

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Book: Read Dead Girl Walking for Free Online
Authors: Ruth Silver
Tags: Paranormal, Young Adult
popped a berry into her mouth. It was the first food she'd eaten as a reaper. It tasted just like it did before she died. At least some things remained the same.
    “Larkin?” Violetta asked.
    “My boyfriend. The boy I snuck out to visit late at night.”
    “Oh.” Emblyn smiled. “ That boy. He's cute.”
    “He's also in trouble,” Leila said. “Turns out my father arrested him. I tried to convince him to come with me, but that didn't go over too well.”
    “Did you tell him you were a grim reaper?” Violetta asked. “Please tell me you didn't.”
    Leila's eyes widened. “Of course not! I lied and told him I was a friend of Ophelia's. I'm not an idiot. He'd think I was crazy.”
    “That's debatable,” Violetta said.
    “Both of you! A lie is what got you into this mess in the first place.” Emblyn shook her head. “From now on, you follow all the rules. We'll just hope that Edon hasn't gotten wind of what you did today.”
    “We can't leave him there, Emblyn,” Leila pleaded. “He needs our help.”
    Violetta raised an eyebrow. “Don't you think you've helped enough?” She moved closer to Leila. “Now let me see your scroll. I'm not going to be responsible for two messes today.”
    “About that.” Leila removed the scroll from beneath her stocking. It had left a slight red burn against her skin. She grimaced as she pulled the scroll open, seeing the assignment she missed.
    “You skipped a reap?” Violetta was livid. “You can't miss an appointment, Leila! Do you have any idea what you've done?”
    Emblyn walked toward Violetta, glancing over her shoulder at the scroll. “This isn't good.”
    “What's the worst that could happen?”
    “You don't get it. You don't get to decide who lives and who dies. As reapers, our only job is to help the soul leave the body and move on. You left a soul in the body. Do you have any idea of the mess you made?” Violetta asked.
    “No.” Leila was honest. She didn't see any harm in the choice she'd made. She knew there'd be consequences, because they kept telling her that. She assumed when the scroll had burned her skin that had been her punishment. Apparently there was more.
    Emblyn pinched the bridge of her nose. “We have to take this to Edon.”
    Violetta's eyes widened. “Isn't there another way? It's her first offense. If Edon knows, he'll be forced to report it, and you know what that can mean.”
    “What can it mean?” Leila asked. Maybe she'd get forced back into her body and sent back as Ophelia Dacre. Yeah, that was probably a long shot, considering they were finishing the funeral right about now.
    “We pick up the boys and visit Edon.” Violetta walked around back, saddling up.
    “Why the boys?” Leila asked.
    “Wynter's made the same mistake, and he's still a reaper. Maybe they won't execute you for your crime.”
    “Execute me?” Leila choked. “Please, tell me you're joking.”
    “Do I look like I'm laughing?” Violetta asked.
    Leila didn't say another word. Emblyn climbed atop her horse. With only two horses at the cottage, Leila had to share a ride with Violetta. She kept her mouth shut, careful not to eat flies or her words, as they rode to Jasper and Wynter's cottage. “Stay here.” Violetta climbed down off the horse and walked to the front door, giving a swift knock. “I know you're home. Your horses are still outside.”
    Wynter opened the front door. “New assignment?” he asked.
    “Worse.” Violetta turned and headed back for the horse. “We need to ride to Edon's. Leila missed her appointment. You have to come with us. You're the only one who's ever gotten away with intentionally not showing up.”
    “It was one time,” Wynter said. “I was young, naive.”
    Jasper poked his head out the front door.
    “I'd say the same about this one.” Violetta pointed at Leila. “She's going to need our support. Ride with her. I'm taking your horse.”
    “Why don't we clean up the mess ourselves?” Wynter asked.

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