Dead Flesh: Stories of the Living Dead

Read Dead Flesh: Stories of the Living Dead for Free Online

Book: Read Dead Flesh: Stories of the Living Dead for Free Online
Authors: Josh Hilden
Tags: Zombies
another sip of her drink.
                  The wind blew even harder and none of the women heard the moaning.

    Tea Party Patriot Bunker
                  “What are we going to do?” Congresswoman Shelly shrieked.
                  The plan had been so simple. They’d release the plague on the public and as order collapsed, the Patriots of the Tea Party would come forth with the cure. But when the vaccine was administered to the staff of the bunker they were transformed into the same savage undead as the infected outside. The slaughter had been fast and all consuming, leaving the Congresswoman and her two colleges trapped in one of the first class washrooms.
                  The dead pounded on the locked steel door.
                  “Please God save me!” Senator Eddie sobbed, his face buried in Congressman Willie’s chest. The two men were cowering together in the far corner of the first class executive washroom.
                  Shelly shook her head in disgust. Her place in the hierarchy had been clear. Eddie was the front man, Willie was the blowhard, and she was the woman who’d make them look strong and reasonable by comparison.
                  At least that’s how it’s supposed to be, she thought staring at the pathetic excuses for men cowering beneath her gaze. Isn’t that the reason I threw my Presidential campaign, because that’s what I was supposed to do?
                  “The Lord will come and deliver us,” Congressman Willie said absently stroking Eddie’s hair. “We are the chosen ones. It’s not our fault those bastards in California messed up the virus, our intentions were pure.”
                  “I thought the Jews were the chosen ones,” Shelly muttered. She winced as fists slammed against the door.
                  “Those bagel munchers are hell bound, my daddy says so,” Eddie whined.
                  “I’m glad we made it out of the carnage in the dining room,” Willie chimed in. The pudgy Texan looked at Shelly and quickly added, “Well all of us except for your husband, sorry about that.”
                  Shelly glared at the two men from her perch on the marble counter. Her husband had been a trusting, if naïve, man and had taken the vaccine to prove to the base staff it was safe. Now he was outside the washroom hunting down the survivors in the base.
                  “Do you think the others are okay?” Eddie muttered.
                  Shelly knew he meant the real leaders of the nation, the corporate masters who’d given them their marching orders. They were the only ones who knew all of the details of the plan.
                  Mittens why the hell aren’t you here with us? she thought wincing as a new round of fist pounding on the doors commenced. He’s probably cowering in the Nevada facility hoping his magic underwear will protect him from the monsters. Resolution firmed in her bony body and she dropped from the countertop.
                  “All right enough of this crap!” Congresswoman Shelly barked. Her head snapped around and she glared at the cowering men, her eyes blazing with the intensity she was infamous for. “Get off the floor and act like men!”
                  Neither Willie nor Eddie argued with her. Instead both of the men rose and took their places behind her. The power amongst them had shifted, now she was the one making the decisions and leading the way while they would be the ones to follow and do what they were told. There had to more survivors in the complex and enough true vaccine to protect hundreds of thousands of people, at her fingertips along with the means to mass produce more. Maybe it was her time to shine once more.
                  “Now let’s take back this shelter,” she said

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