Day One (Book 3): Alone

Read Day One (Book 3): Alone for Free Online

Book: Read Day One (Book 3): Alone for Free Online
Authors: Michael Mcdonald
Tags: Zombies
hollow pleas for help, only this time I wouldn’t wake up in a classroom. I’d wind up dead in the parking lot.
    “I don’t want any trouble, really. I just wanted a ride, nothing more.”
    “You mean you and your friends hiding out there somewhere wanted a ride? After you robbed me of course and either left me stranded or dead?”
    I could see the offended look trying to resurface upon her face, but she kept it in check, although her words didn’t listen. “The world has gone to shit, there’s things out there that will kill you for no reason at all, and you cannot even be human enough to help a single lady out?” She blasted. “What kind of a man are you?”
    “One that isn’t going to fall for your bullshit,” I replied. “Now I think it’s time you left, while you still have that option. Go find someone else to try your manipulation on.”
    She looked coldly at me. “And if I refuse?”
    I jerked the rifle only two inches to the right and fired. She shuttered at the light sound as a large two liter bottle of soda exploded, sending streams of room temperature, fizzy soda in all directions. She spun her head to see the remnants of the bottle fall and hit the floor before looking back at me to see the barrel back on her.
    “This thing is super quiet, which means I can kill you and walk out of here without your buddies even knowing your dead,” I added.
    “We could have helped you… we have a large place,” she said.
    “I don’t want or need your help, lady.”
    She glared at me a moment and spoke. “Fine, have it your way.”
    There was no need for any further words, as I had gotten my point across to her. She continued to glare at me, turned and made her way out of the gas station and I watched her hurry away from the store and slip into the seamless rainy night, keeping my eyes peeled for any movement that would indicate her friends were running away as well. She would have to circle the entire store if she wanted another shot at me, giving herself more than enough time to let her friends in on what they were up against, although something told me that they would be foolish, if not stupid, to attempt another encounter with me.
    I grabbed the things I had scrounged up placed them in a small bag and headed for the door, making sure to thoroughly scan every square inch of the parking lot before venturing out into the unknown. The last thing I needed was to be surprised from two different directions at once long before reaching the somewhat safety of the pickup. And even though my eyes had not continually been plastered to the vehicle, I was almost certain that no one would be stupid enough to hide within after seeing what had taken place inside the store.
    The rain fell to the music of rumbling thunder as I made my way cautiously toward the pickup. The rifle was firmly planted in my shoulder and my head swiveled from one direction to the other as I grew closer. The keys remained in my pocket until I’d reach the pickup to make sure no one could slid out of the surrounding darkness, snatch them from my grasp and scurry off, so when I finally reached my destination and put my back to the door, I fished them out and gave a last glance all around me.
    In the cab with the door shut and locked, I knew I was most vulnerable in a stationary position and hurriedly inserted the keys and started the pickup. I placed the SBR between the seat and console for quick access, and then scanned once more for any signs of the helpless victim, luckily I didn’t see her.
    Something entered my nose that was foreign to the truck at the exact same time I felt an uneasy spark of worry come to life. A faint noise slowly drove my left hand toward the holster on my right hip as a figure loomed in the rear view mirror followed by the sound of a hammer cocking and a massive barrel touching the back of my head.
    “Do anything stupid and I’ll blow your head off!” A voice spoke from behind. “Put both hands on the steering wheel

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