Day One (Book 2): Choices

Read Day One (Book 2): Choices for Free Online

Book: Read Day One (Book 2): Choices for Free Online
Authors: Michael Mcdonald
Tags: Zombies
with the… suddenly my thought process changed and I looked to see Johnny looking back with the same thought afire in his eyes.
    “Shit, they know we know,” Johnny stated.
    “What?” I asked.
    “The moment you ran into the room and told me about what had happened. If they were watching, which I’m positive they were, they now know that we are on to them.” He shook his head a moment and looked toward the darkened sky in the distance. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe we should just pack up and haul ass.” 
    “No,” I stated pointing a finger at him and shaking my head. “Not no, but hell no! My son is out there and this has been the only chance I’ve had to go after him, so we aren’t bailing on this plan!”
    “We go forward with this and we’ll be walking right into a trap. The only thing they have on us right now is conspiracy at best, but the moment we initiate this plan, they’ll have us committing a crime on a military base. They can execute us for that.”
    My anger was coming to the surface and there was little I could do to contain it. “I don’t give a shit, do you understand that? My son is out there somewhere, in all of that shit you see right there… so either you help me, as we planned, or get the hell out of my way and stay gone!”
    Johnny looked at me in disbelief. “You’re a madman.”
    “No, I’m a parent that made the wrong choice, so now I’m going to correct it any way I can. And I dare someone to try and stop me.”
    “You do this… you’re on your own,” Johnny said.
    “I guess so,” I replied and walked away fuming mad. I was disappointed, pissed off at him for backing out on me, because like it or not, without him the plan that had been created would literally never get off the ground. As I walked I could see the choice I had made over a week ago and tried my best to play out the scenario in my head that went the opposite direction. Would I still be in this game had I went that way? Would Kember and I still be alive even? I could what if the rest of my life and still come no closer to the truth than I currently was.
    I moved down the hallway, entered the room to find Kember still playing on the bed and grabbed the SBR from under the mattress. Problem number one. I had only two full mags, which was sixty rounds. Rambo himself could never make it with that few of rounds, although I’m sure if Hollywood really tried they could pull it off. After all, I had proven a lot of their ideologies to be plain out bullshit, entertaining of course, but bullshit nonetheless.
    Andrews words came back to enlighten me and even though I was feeling pretty down and discouraged about Johnny backing out on me, I still maintained a small amount of hope in the course I had before me. It wouldn’t be easy at all, but I didn’t care. Choices had been made in the spur of the moment, choices I wish that I could have changed. Unfortunately though, I cannot change them, but simply learn from them and pray I don’t make the wrong ones in the hours to come.
    “Stay here, baby. Daddy has to go and get a few things,” I said to Kember who ignored me as she continued to play with her toys and drink her juice.
    I crossed the base with a confidence in my step, a single thought burning in my mind, and the courage to undertake and face whatever lay in wait for me on the other side of those fences. I had to be, my son was depending upon me to find and bring him back to where it was safe. That’s what a parent does.
    “Captain Andrews told me to stop by the armory and pick up the gear I’d need to help defend this place,” I told the military guy sitting behind a small desk. He looked up at me with an expression upon his face that told me he didn’t believe a single word I had just said. “Call him and ask him, he’ll tell you,” I added.
    The guy picked up a small phone, wound it up and waited for someone to answer on the other end. “Yeah, this is Davidson over here at the armory. I gotta guy

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