unoccupied southern zone. Daladier and others plan to set up a government-in-exile in Morocco but on Petain’s orders are arrested on arrival. Vichy parliament meets July 9-10, and votes itself out of existence on advice of Petain and Laval, thus ending the Third Republic. Petain dismisses Laval (December).
David Rapoport forms one of the first relief organizations for Jews in Paris at rue Amelot (June 15). Such organizations, run by both Jews and Christians, were to help many children to escape the Holocaust. Germans order Jews in the occupied zone to register (September 27). The
Statut des Juif s
—first anti-Jewish legislation introduced by Vichy government (October 3). First “Otto List” (October 4) of prohibited books in France. Auschwitz concentration camp established (April). Warsaw ghetto opened (October).
Germany invades Norwary and Denmark. Italy enters war. Dunkirk evacuation. Battle of Britain. USSR annexes Baltic states. Assassination of Trotsky.
German army invades USSR (June): Russia rallies under Stalin to embark on the Great Patriotic War. Hitler’s demands for money, raw materials and food from France become heavier as the Eastern front develops. French resistance movement now strengthened by participation of Communists. De Gaulle claims status of legal government-in-exile for his Comite National Francais. Vichy government establishes a Commissariat General aux Questions Juives (April) to work with German authorities to “aryanize” Jewish businesses in the occupied zone. German edict denies Jews access to their bank accounts (May 8). Jews rounded up for the first time in Paris (May 14): 3700 foreign Jews arrested and sent to camps at Pithiviers and Beaune-la-Rolande. Second
Statut des juif s
(June 2). Arrests continue throughout the year: detention center opened at Drancy (August). Siege of Leningrad begins (September). Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor: US enters the war (December).
Last short story published in
(February). Entrusts her chief editor, Andre Sabatier, with all her manuscripts (March). Begins to work on
Les Feux de l’automne
(Autumn Fires) and
(Captivity), the third volume
of Suite francaise.
Arrested by French police on July 13, in pursuance of the latest Nazi decrees. Taken to a detainment camp at Pithiviers. Her last story, “Les Vierges” (The Virgins), is published in
on July 15: “Look at me. I am alone now, but my solitude was not chosen or wanted, it is the worst one, the humiliated, bitter solitude of abandonment and betrayal.” Departs for Auschwitz on July 17. Dies in Auschwitz of typhus on August 19. Michel is arrested and gassed at Auschwitz on November 6. Their daughters Denise and Elisabeth live hidden until the Liberation of France in August 1944.
Le Mythe de Sisyphe; L’Etranger.
Poesie et verite.
Le Silence de la mer.
Pierrot mon ami.
Simone Weil writes essays and articles which are later assembled in
Attente de Dieu
Pensees sans ordre sur l’amour de Dieu.
Les droits de l’homme et la loi naturelle.
Posthumous publication
ofLa Vie de Tchekhov
(The Life of Chekhov), Albin Michel.
Les Biens de ce monde
(The Goods of this World), Albin Michel.
Les Feux d’automne
(Autumn Fires), Albin Michel.
Suite francaise
(Denoel). (English translation published in 2006.)
Le Maitre des ames
(Master of Souls), Denoel (formerly
Les Echelles du Levant).
Chaleur du sang
(Fire in the Blood), Denoel—a previously unpublished novel.
Laval is restored, the result of German pressure (April). He agrees to conscription of French workers for German factories in return for the release of French POWs and undertakes to take action against the growing French underground movement.
A curfew imposed on Jews (February 7). First Jews from France deported to Poland and Germany (March). In total some 75,000 Jews are deported
Mating Season Collection, Eliza Gayle
Lady Reggieand the Viscount