ever know me Lee.” I meant most of this more than I’d planned as part of my ploy. In my head, it had sounded insincere and rehearsed. It was...in my head. But it was halfway the truth.
“Was it a setup?”
“No. I was misinformed on the camp being vacant and did not know the Vamp was housed there. In the future, I will relay with caution.”
Wow! He just admitted a whole bunch. He really is a double agent. He really has some inside because he already knew what we found. ( i.e. one of the good guys told him or he’s friends with the druggies—doubt that.)
“I want a favor.”
His “aha” was present in the way he dropped his face. “What?”
Gods, why did a man ’s voice deepen when he didn’t foresee what was coming next?
“I want you to find out if Borgon intends to just kill me or does he have other plans.”
Lee’s jaw tensed. A painful look flashed across his eyes but left so fast I wasn’t sure if I’d seen what I thought. “He intends to hurt you, experiment on you, torture, and worse.”
I ’m hard to kill, but if he takes my loved ones, it could very well kill me. And you specifically think that I am still intact because of you?”
“Did you send us on a wild goose chase today? On purpose?”
I reared my body back with the intention to strike him on impulse, but Lee’s now larger arm that was attached to the larger sized Hunter body, shot out and stopped me.
“If I hadn ’t, you’d have been right where he wanted.”
I gritted my teeth getting angrier by the second, “And where was that?”
“At the real camp where he lies in precious wait for you as we speak.”
“And you saved me from that?” I seethed hating his continuous empty stare.
“He thinks you went after him based off information found in the bar you went to.”
Club, not a bar.
I wanted to ring his neck. “You...you’ve been following me?” I screamed in his face and not meaning to, inched closer.
He flipped me easily across the table, bear hugging me from behind and holding my arms down beside me. How in the heck could he hold me?
“I know you too, Stace. I know your moves.”
“I will protect you no matter what I do. You may continue to think I am the bad guy, but in the end, I will not let him have you.”
The able girl that I am at reading emotion, I was convinced once more that Lee was genuine.
“Okay. Will you let me go now?”
“If you intend to have a civilized conversation even if we do not agree with all each other has to say.”
Fair enough. “Fine.”
“What is the other favor?”
“How do you know I have another?”
“Because you ’re still here.”
Okay. That hurt. I would try to make good and halfway believe some of what he says. “I heard once the side talk of some Vamps or someone...oh, I don ’t know, in the said club... not a bar . They said something about some plans the Elves had involving a silver Godslayer. At the tail end of the conversation, they said my name.” I didn’t mention the voodoo princess part. It was too alarming and offensive.
He cocked his head sideways. “Done!”
That was easy. My eyes softened, giving him an in I didn’t intend. I couldn’t resist. “You don’t know anything about this, do you?”
I ’m sure now my voice was accusing.
“ No, I do not.”
I checked over his emotional state. He didn ’t appear to be lying. I shrugged backward and told him, “Alright. Text me if you find anything out.”
“Did anyone else hear this?”
I hesitated but answered with a no. His chest rose in the air as if some type of pride hit him that he was the only one in the know. No doubt, he wondered why I didn’t tell my “crew”.
My feet pivoted to leave hinting at the dismissal, but he had other ideas.
“Are you going back to the club?”
I absolutely had no idea on his angle on this