investigate immediately as to why he would be in an abandoned Were camp. The Were who challenged us was with the Vamp and not part of their groups and no one knew who he was.
I sure wanted to know both answers.
Cord gave the okay for us to “look around”.
There was not one ounce of evidence that a single soul had been near the camp in months, maybe years. Cord had texted on the way that it had been abandoned since before he became leader. Yet, we arrived to find a rogue Vamp, rogue Were, and two female Were ’s in it hiding. The situation seemed kind of obvious to me, but no one wanted to admit what we thought they were doing here. For all I knew, they were outlaws who found love. But he wouldn’t have killed the girl if he loved her. I didn’t get it.
One of the guys found a pile of needles hidden in the floor. Drugs. For now, that ’s all we had.
And for the time being, we would give this up and question the source. I made sure that that interrogation belonged to me.
Chapter Five
Most of the change we think we see in life is due to...
The favor .
Lee answered my text and agreed to meet me at the warehouse. Alone.
I arrived early to have my weapons ready, though I needed none of the ones that were inside the giant room where we practiced for the onset I had planned.
He didn ’t knock.
I was seated facing out at the table where we snacked and hung out often at the corner of the room where the fridge sat. Two water bottles sat across from each other with sweat dripping down the sides of each with summer standing on our doorsteps. It was just cold days ago.
He shuffled in heavy steel-toed boots surveying the room noting with a bemused expression that we were alone and immediately his hunched up shoulders appraised he knew I was up to something. His hands were on his belt like he might draw a weapon. Mr. Prepared for Attack didn ’t trust me. Things had changed.
First, I never drove alone. So this was a first for me. Second, I ’d never interrogated someone and Lee seemed the easiest to make my first. Third, not even Cas knew I was here.
“ I won’t pretend I’m your best friend, but I can see now that we can’t be enemies. I know you tried to help us; I just want to believe deep down that it’s for a good cause and not personal gain. You’re information was either bad, or you lied and want me dead.”
And I know he is one hundred percent selfish about what he wants when he wants it. Even when it was movie night years ago. He always got the pick somehow. So I always liked what he picked. Who cares? This wasn’t the movies. When he lied to Calum on pizza night at Calum’s apartment room, I held it in. He was a liar then.
A reserved tone in his voice, he sat rather slowly to my left and faced me instead of across where I ’d intended. He bent a leg over the other jutting his huge knee out towards the doors while I crossed my feet and leaned back in the chair. He’d become Hunter sized in every way and his rakish appearance told me he was adjusting well. He was definitely easy on the eyes. Were there any ugly guys in my life?
I ’m not complaining.
“I told you it ’s to keep you safe,” his jaw tightened. Even his face was more angular, defined. His slant-eyed look told me he wasn’t happy.
I wanted to roll my eyes, but it would set me back. “And you know I ’m immortal with one exception. Did you set us up?”
“ Immortal doesn’t make you invincible. Not when a man has his whole life staked on taking you down. He will not stop Anastacia. Never.”
Devotion wasn ’t what that was. I knew he meant it that way and it made me sad. So maybe he was only ninety-nine percent selfish. “You know, your loyalty seems obvious when I talk to you directly but I wonder sometimes if it’s because I can’t see past those eyes that were so trusting in the past. You were the first boy to