Dating Outside Your DNA

Read Dating Outside Your DNA for Free Online

Book: Read Dating Outside Your DNA for Free Online
Authors: Karen Kelley
Tags: Romance, none
his. He jumped  both hers.
    "King me," he said.
    Her frown deepened. That's exactly what she'd like to do! But  instead of turning violent, she placed one of her hard earned black  chips on top of his. Then she studied the board again. She wanted a  king. And why did they call it king, anyway. She'd call hers queens.
    Roan watched Lyraka as she gazed intently at the board.  Amazing how much you could learn from someone just playing a  board game. She hated losing and didn't easily give up. No, she  studied each one of his moves, weighed the risks, then moved her  piece. She wouldn't win this game, but he had no doubt she would be  winning before the night was over. He liked the way she thought out  what she was going to do before she did it, rather than blindly rushing  in.
    She jumped three of his black pieces. He sat forward. How had


    Karen Kelley

    she done that? He scanned the board. Did she maneuver him into
    position, or had it just been dumb luck? He looked at her. She  smirked. For a moment, he forgot all about the game as he got lost in  her eyes. When she turned her attention to taki ng his three checkers,  the spell was broken.
    "Good move," he told her.
    "Yes, I know."
    "Your modesty is admirable."
    She laughed. The sound washed over him, touching him,  caressing him. Was tempting men beyond reason another of her  gifts?
    "I won your pi eces fair and square because I outthought you."
    "You think so?"
    "I know so."
    He rested his elbows on his knees and studied every angle of the board. She would be a good opponent.
    "Are you going to move or do you give up?" she said, breaking his concentration.
    "You've been studying the board for ten minutes."
    He glanced at the clock on the wall. Actually, it had only been  nine. He looked back at the board again, then made his move.
    She studied the board, then moved. He only took a few minutes this time. She was falling into his trap just as he planned. She moved.  He moved. One more and he'd have her. She jumped the rest of his  checkers and scooped them off the board.
    How the hell had she done that? He looked at the board and
    immediately realized where he'd made a wrong move. Again he had
    to wonder if it had been skill or luck.
    "You're not very good at checkers, are you?" she gloated.
    "You got lucky."
    "Sore loser?"
    "You won't win the next one."
    Five games later, and nearing eleven on the wall clock, Lyraka
    had won three out of five games. Maybe it hadn't been dumb luck.


    Karen Kelley

    She was pretty good at figuring out her opponent's strategy.
    She stood, stretching her arms above her head, revealing an expanse of creamy skin and a sexy little belly button. The only things going through his mind were how soft her skin actually felt, and how it was all he could do to restrain himself from pulling her into his lap and kissing her into submission.
    "I'm beat," she said. "It's been a long day, and you did say we'd start at six."
    He wouldn't tell her he'd already started his evaluation of her with the games of checkers they'd played. There were more ways to see how a person ticked than answering silly questions on a form some doctor made up when he was bored and didn't have anything better to do. No, Roan had his own way of doing things.
    "Yes, six. I'll see you in the morning," he said.
    She nodded as she headed for the stairs. Man, she had a nice walk. There was just enough sway in her hips to heat his blood. Her tight jeans hugged her ass in a way that made him almost jealous.
    Damn, how the hell did Joe expect him to stay here in an isolated building, alone at night, with a woman who looked hot and sexy, and not touch her? Especially now that he knew she wasn't repulsed by him. The situation was almost impossible. If it wasn't for the fact that Joe had promised to let him return to active duty, Roan would have insisted someone else train Lyraka.
    His problem wasn't that he wanted to make love to her,

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