Dark Rapture
perfume…” Sebastian moved close again and Scarlet could feel his breath on her exposed shoulders as he leaned in to catch a whiff of her rose perfume. “Mmm, enchante. Made me lose control.”
    His eyes drifted from hers and then to her mouth. His scrutiny was welcome as she anticipated the possibility of another kiss.
    “I guess that means we’ll have to go out on a date, if that is what you require for me to kiss you again?”
    She couldn’t believe her ears. This was too easy. But who was she to question this incredible moment?
    “I’d love to go out with you. But you don’t even know—”
    “Great. Let’s see, tonight is Friday…” He looked to the side, searching a mental calendar. “How about tomorrow night? I have some free time this weekend before I’m scheduled back into the studio. Is it a date?”
    He was a fast worker, but she could see no reason to turn him down. It was as though he had put her under a spell with his kiss. She had no desire to refuse him anything.
    “Sure, sounds great. Tomorrow.”
    He raised her hand to his mouth for another sweet kiss. His eyes, like precious black pearls, punctuated his hunger for her. “If I have to wait any longer than a day to see those lovely emerald eyes again, I’ll go mad.”
    Scarlet sighed. He certainly did have a way with words. Her heart fluttered, a dove trapped in a gilded cage. She wanted him to take her in his arms again, but before she could voice her wants, he turned to the doorway. Was he leaving already? She’d only just met him.
    “I’ll see you tomorrow, around seven. Au revoir." Without giving her a chance to respond, Sebastian headed for the door, leaving her perplexed and dazed.
    “What happened? Did he bite you?” Gary teased, walking in as Sebastian took a hasty leave. “Or did the wild rake ravish you with his charm?”
    “Huh?” Scarlet stared past her brother. She could still feel the gentle pressure of Sebastian’s lips moving slowly down her neck, melting her inhibitions. “I guess you could say he ravished me with his charm.” She didn’t notice the soap suds rolling down her arm into a puddle beneath her elbow.
    “So, what did he want?”
    “He asked me out,” she said, still in a daze. “Tomorrow night.”
    “Oh yeah?” Gary sounded surprised. “Where’s Vince?” He looked out toward the living room.
    “Vince?” Scarlet stared at the pile of sticky glasses surrounding the sink. “Who cares about Vince?” She stood on tiptoes and looked through the window for Sebastian but the yard was silent and still. He had disappeared as quickly as he’d appeared. “Do you know Sebastian well? What’s he like?”
    “Vince knows him better than I do, but as far as I know, he’s a cool guy. Although I hear he’s quite the charmer. You know those Frenchmen, they really know how to work the ladies.”
    “Yes, he does, doesn’t he,” she added dreamily.
    Gary moved his hand back and forth in front of her eyes. “Yeah, and it looks like he really worked a number on you.”
    Her dreamlike state continued. “He’s so handsome. And his eyes, have you ever looked into his eyes?” She leaned on the counter. “So dark and mysterious, like if you looked long enough you would discover some hidden secret he possesses.”
    Gary picked up a towel and laughed. “Can’t say that I’ve spent too much time gazing into his eyes.” He started drying the dishes that she’d stacked around the counter. “But I thought you were going to go out with Vince?”
    “He hasn’t asked me yet.”
    “Yeah, well, Sebastian better treat you well.” He leaned back and pointed a stern finger at Scarlet. “Otherwise, he’ll have to answer to me.”
    “Yes sir.” She happily finished the dishes with Gary while her mind could only think of tomorrow night.
    Sebastian walked the dozen or so blocks to his house, his boots stepping lightly over the sidewalk so as not to disturb the eloquent silence of the early morning.

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