Dark and Stormy: Sacred Hearts Coven

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Book: Read Dark and Stormy: Sacred Hearts Coven for Free Online
Authors: Felicia Starr
right amount of woman. She wasn't thin and she wasn't plump. Her legs started with thin ankles and worked their way up past a slightly muscular calf muscle. Her skirt came down to just above her knees when she was standing, but with her leg extended her dress lifted slightly, he could see a bit of her thighs. He imagined the soft roundness of her thighs and how they led to a very nice round ass. He always made sure she walked up the stairs ahead of him so he could get a good view.
    Reddick left his jacket and tie at his desk, but he needed to release another button on his tailored shirt. Watching this woman have her affair with these red heels was elevating his body temperature. He wanted to keep watching her, but knew it was time to excuse himself.
    As she clasped the buckle on the right shoe, he hung up his fake phone call. When he stood up, he r ealized he needed to adjust himself. He was definitely giving his briefs a run for their money. He scooped up the rest of his protein bar and bottle of water.
    Regina stood up and looked down at her new shoes. Her legs seemed to go on for miles beneath her skirt. He started to walk around the desk to go back upstairs, and she started to spin around the room. A smile spread across his face, his heart suddenly warmed by her happiness. He never saw her smile like that before.

    REGINA SPUN AROUND feeling like she just won the lottery. She was thrilled to be wearing the very expe nsive pair of luxury shoes. To boot, they were comfortable too. Double bonus.
    Regina picked up her cell and called Serena. The phone rang three times before Serena picked up.
    “Are you crazy? Wait, don't answer that. You are crazy!” Regina's voice was quivering as she pla yfully yelled at her boss and friend.
    “Hello to you, too.” Serena laughed. “I am not crazy. Well, maybe a little, and crazy about you. You work too hard. Don't get me wrong—I don’t want you to stop wor king hard. I would hate to fire you.”
    “I can't believe you bought these shoes.” Regina a lmost couldn’t catch her breath she was so excited.
    “I know. I saw them and they called to me. The shoes told me they belonged to Regina. I said to them, you sure do.”
    “They are gorgeous—and comfortable. I might not ever take them off.” Regina pointed her toes and gazed at them with a smile from ear to ear.
    “Listen, sweetie, you wear those shoes and they will walk you in the direction you need to be. D o me a favor?”
    “Yeah, anything,” Regina said. She couldn't take her eyes off the shoes.
    “Wear them tomorrow so I can see them on you,” Serena requested.
    “Of course.”
    “Good, I know you’re excited, but the mister is waiting for me. Don't forget to put that stone under your pillow tonight and bring it to work tomorrow and put it on your desk.”
    “Okay, have a great night. Tell Michelangelo I said hi.” Regina hung up the phone.
    Even though she had work to do, Regina was too wound up to concentrate on work. It had been a long and strange day. She grabbed the red velvet bag, placed it back into the red box, and the red box back into the silver bag. She grabbed it fast and ran back upstairs to grab her keys.
    Regina moved quickly. Her boost in energy came from the rush of receiving a gift she would never give he rself. The office was very quiet except for the noise she was making pulling open her desk drawer to grab her purse. It too was red, but Regina took note that the shade was off and she would need to invest some time searching for a new bag. She shuffled around the papers on her desk, looking for her keys, before she remembered she’d tossed them in her bag after lunch.
    Without looking over at Reddick, she zipped by, yel ling, “Goodnight.”
    Just as she was about to round the corner to the stairs, she heard him holler back. “Don’t forget your sky stone.”
    “Oh crap,” she murmured to herself. “Moonstone, thanks.”

    R & R's

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