Daniel (Kings of Korruption MC)

Read Daniel (Kings of Korruption MC) for Free Online

Book: Read Daniel (Kings of Korruption MC) for Free Online
Authors: Geri Glenn
the last word.
    “Daniel?” Her voice is filled with tears and barely understandable. My gut clenches.
    “Gabby! What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
    She sobs softly. “I went… ” She sobs again, her voice muffled. “I … ” She blows her nose and I hear her take a deep breath. “Sorry… I went to the coffee shop to grab a late lunch. When I was there, Tommy walked in.” Her voice wavers again. “I tried to talk to him and he told me to back off. He said that–” I can hear the exact second she loses what little control she had, but she pushes through, her voice heavy with tears. “He said that Derrick got what was coming to him and that it’s done now.” Another sob takes over. “What the hell does that even mean Daniel?”
    It means that Derrick is in serious trouble, that’s what it means, but I’m not about to tell Gabby that. “I don’t know, baby. Where are you right now?”
    She sniffs. “Home. I called you as soon as I got back.”
    I stand up, already moving to my car. “Okay, baby. You hold tight. I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
    “No, Daniel. You don’t have to do that.”
    “I said, I’ll be there in ten minutes. No arguments.”
    Another sniff. “Okay. But Daniel?” I swing into my car and start it up, waiting for her to argue again. “Can you bring me something to eat. I’m hungry and I never did get my Tuscan turkey wrap or my macchiato.”
    I chuckle as I pull out of my parking spot. “Yeah, babe. I’ll bring you some food.”
    I hear a small smile in her still sad voice as she whispers, “See you soon.”
    I disconnect the call and drive down the street, pushing the Bluetooth button and directing it to call dispatch.
    “Ottawa City Police. How may I help you?”
    “Hey, Nancy. Lawson, here. I need you to look up a Tommy Lewis for me. Approximately 19 years old. Lives on the west side. I need everything you can find on this kid. Address, known hangouts, priors, any warrants — everything. I’ll call back in a bit and get the info from ya.”
    “You got it Sergeant Lawson. I’ll see what I can find.”
    “Thanks Nancy.” I disconnect and tap my fingers on the steering wheel. This Tommy kid and I need to have a little chat.


    W aiting for Daniel to show up at my house gives me a little time to settle down. Now I’m just angry. Tommy and Derrick have been best friends since the day they started school, fifteen years ago. Over the years he spent way more time in our house than he did in his own. I hadn’t been lying when I reminded him about how I fed him. I have. For years I have.
    Tommy’s mother is an alcoholic who has never had much use for her son. At least at our house, I was able to make sure he was fed, and when he was younger, I even bathed him. Our own mother may not have had a lot of time for us, but in her own flighty way I always knew she loved us. Tommy couldn’t say the same. I cared for Tommy like a little brother and had quickly accepted responsibility for him when I was basically just a kid myself.
    That’s what made his words even worse today. It was like a slap to the face after all those years I spent caring for him when he needed someone to do just that. Sitting here, stewing in my anger, I think over all the things I should’ve said or done differently. I should have slapped his mouth and kicked his ass. I should have chased him down and told him off. Funny how these ideas always seem to come to you long after the situation that pissed you off in the first place is over.
    The doorbell chimes and I jump up from my spot on the couch, running down the narrow hallway to answer it. When I open the door, Daniel enters with a delicious looking iced cappuccino and a bag from Tim Horton’s. Holding it up, he grins, his eyes crinkling a little in the corners. “Your dinner, m’lady.”
    For the first time, I notice just how blue his eyes really are. It catches me off guard. I'm unable to look away. “Thanks,” I say,

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