Cutty (Prairie Grooms Book 8)
was Newton – he looked right at them, nodded to Seth and headed their way. “Don’t be nervous,” Imogene said as he approached. “There’s nothing to worry about.”
    “If’n I’m nervous it’s ‘cause yer makin’ me!”
    “I’m doing no such thing. Now quiet – here he comes.” They straightened at the same time.
    Newton stopped short. “Is something the matter?”
    “No, nothin’,” Cutty said with a quick shake of his head. “Have a seat.”
    Newton sat and noticed the tea set. “Looks like I’ve missed out.”
    “Nonsense,” said Imogene. “Mrs. Upton will make another pot for us.”
    “I’ll call her then, shall I?” Newton asked.
    “I’ll do it,” Cutty said. “Ya wait right here.” He got up and headed to the kitchen.
    Imogene watched him go, then turned to Newton. “I daresay, but you’ve been making yourself scarce lately.”
    “I’ve been spending time with Seth and his brother out on the prairie and the surrounding woods. The land here is fascinating. They’ve been kind enough to teach me how to survive in it.”
    “You’re bloody joking,” she said flatly. “Why would you want to learn such a thing?”
    “So I can explore it on my own.”
    “Explore it? My dear boy, whatever for?”
    “Because I enjoy it,” he said amused. “What more reason do I need?”
    She sighed. “None. You’re perfectly suited to adventure, just as I am. In fact. I’m half-tempted to go with you one day.”
    “Come with me tomorrow.”
    “Tomorrow? What are you doing?”
    “Ryder and I are going to hunt deer.”
    “A hunt? How lovely.”
    Cutty returned to the table with Mrs. Upton in tow. “Why, hello, Mr. Whitman. I’ll make a fresh pot of tea and I just took some cookies out of the oven. Molasses, your favorite.”
    “Thank you, Mrs. Upton,” he said with a smile. “I can’t wait.”
    Cutty took his seat. “None for me, thanks. I had too many from the last batch.”
    “Fine – I’ll just bring enough for the boy here.” Mrs. Upton picked up the tea tray and returned to the kitchen.
    “Newton was just telling me that he’s been out on the prairie with Ryder,” Imogene said, turning back to Cutty.
    “Is that so? Speaking of Ryder …” Cutty glanced at Imogene, who gave him a barely perceptible nod. “He’s plannin’ on buildin’ himself a new house.”
    “He is?” Newton said in surprise. “Why, this is the first I’ve heard of it.”
    “It is?” Cutty said, just as shocked. “’Course, I just found out about it myself.”
    “He never mentioned it,” said Newton. “He’s been teaching me how to track and hunt some of the local wildlife. Maybe he didn’t think it was important.”
    “Well, I’m gonna lend him a hand with it,” Cutty said with a nervous glance at Imogene. “Ya wouldn’t want to help, would ya?”
    Newton sat and thought a moment. “Build a house? I suppose I can say that I have some experience after helping build Amon’s …”
    “He could use all the help he can get,” Cutty said. “It’s the least ya could do since him and his brother are teaching ya how to track and hunt. Consider it a trade.”
    “Yes. And I do need to start earning my keep around here. It will give me something to do while I decide where to go.”
    “G-go?” Cutty sputtered. “Go where?”
    Newton smiled at them. “Exploring.”
    “Explorin’? What do ya wanna do that for?” Cutty asked.
    “Because I can. All I need is a little money, and I don’t mind working to acquire some.”
    “Ya cain’t go explorin’ now!” Cutty said in protest.
    “Why not?” Newton asked, confused.
    “Well … ‘cause of Ryder’s house, that’s why!”
    “I’ll help him build his house, then I’ll go.” Newton watched Mrs. Upton come out of the kitchen with the cookies and a fresh pot of tea and set them on their table. “Thank you,” he said with a smile.
    “Anything for you, honey! Now I better go see about lunch for Mr. Van Cleet. He’s in town

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