
Read Cruise for Free Online

Book: Read Cruise for Free Online
Authors: Jurgen von Stuka
Tags: Erótica
final bonus was a note from Franz telling her that the same proposal had been sent to her friend and associate, Jean Groff, in Amsterdam.
    Realizing that she had not actually seen Jean since the night she had gone off with a charming football player on the Isosceles Deck while Bibi disappeared into the BDSM clutches of Nate, the barman, Bibi immediately telephoned Groff, got only her voice mail, and left a hurried message saying: “Call me at once, Jean. We’ve got a cruise on tap.” She put down the phone, stripped off the worn T-shirt and tight jeans and headed for the bathroom and a shower. On the way, she reached out, tapped Karine lightly on the shoulder and said, “Want to join me?”
    “Of course,” was Karine’s anxious reply. The two headed for the large bathroom with its double shower, dropping a few remaining items of clothing along the way.
    Bibi, now accepting Karine’s unexpected presence, got a sudden glint in her eye and as the younger woman came into the bathroom, Bibi greeted her with a pair of brilliantly polished steel manacles, snapping one cuff onto Karine’s right wrist and quickly bringing her left arm around and putting the opposite cuff on it. Surprised, but, as always, accepting, Karine purred and turned to Bibi, offering her lips once again. Bibi, always faster and more agile, popped a ruby red, rectangular sponge gag into Karine’s open mouth, pulled the bands back behind her neck and secured the gag until it was snug. Karine only purred and did not struggle.
    “You come here unannounced. Get into my flat and mess up my plans for a quiet evening of rest and recuperation,” Bibi said, holding the chain linking the wrist manacles in her left hand and pushing Karine into the now streaming shower with the other. She took a common dog chain leash from the doorknob and pushed the dark-haired woman to her knees in the rainfall-like water. Again, Karine complied. Bibi wrapped the end of the dog chain around Karine’s ankles, crossed them and pulled the chain tight, then pulled the remaining chain up between the manacles and back down to the now bound ankles. Karine bent backwards at the waist with the bondage, arching her back until she was in a kneeling hogtie with her wrists well secured to her feet, the gag still in her mouth and her eyes closed to the now warm shower water.
    Bibi, still not inside the shower enclosure, was about to step in when the front door buzzer sounded. She hurriedly grabbed a towel and walked out of the shower. At the front door, she pressed the answer button.
    “Yes?” she said, slightly annoyed that once again her valuable personal time was being interrupted, probably by someone selling something she neither needed nor wanted.
    “Universal deliveries.” It was a man’s voice with a strong Middle Eastern accent.
    Persian? Bibi thought . This city is overflowing with Arab refugees and few of them have jobs, let alone work in delivery.
    “I have package for you.”
    “Leave it at the door. I can’t come down right now.”
    “It needs you sign.”
    “Take it back and deliver tomorrow.”
    “Will send back to the original. We only try one time.”
    Suddenly, Bibi remembered the contract with Groff and realized she might not be back home for quite a while. “Okay. Wait at the door, I’ll be right down.” She pulled her jeans and T-shirt back on again, took her keys and bounded down the four flights of stairs. Half way down, she remembered Karine chained in the shower. “She’ll keep, I guess,” Bibi said as she reached the lobby.
    The delivery guy stood right in front of the door window, looking more like a fishing boat crewman than a deliveryman. He stared in at her through the plate glass window with a huge grin on his face. He had a full beard, dark complexion, wore a dirty, torn, fisherman’s knit sweater and black wool watch cap. Except for a hand-written stick-on card on the right side of his chest, nothing identified him as a delivery person.

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