Crisis of Faith

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Book: Read Crisis of Faith for Free Online
Authors: Timothy Zahn
willing to accept that shame.”
    “Stromma discipline can be harsh,” Sanjin warned. “Imperial discipline can be even worse.”
    “I understand,” Lhagva said. “Discipline or discharge me as you must, Lieutenant. But I beg you, don’t do either until after tomorrow.”
    Sanjin studied Lhagva’s face. “You feel that strongly about this battle?”
    “The Quesoth are Stromma allies,” Lhagva said. “More than that, I spent two years in the Stromma diplomatic enclave at the edge of the Black City. I like these people, and I don’t want to see them destroyed.”
    “And you think that likely?”
    “If Nuso Esva isn’t stopped, it’s the only possible outcome,” Lhagva said. “If he succeeds in holding the Red City, it’ll be only a matter of time before he also takes the White City, then the Black City, and then the entire planet.”
    “And you want to see him stopped.”
    “Yes, sir, I do.”
    “Even at the risk of your own life and honor?”
    “I’m an Imperial stormtrooper, Lieutenant,” Lhagva said. “I live or die at the pleasure of my superiors and my commander.”
    “And if it pleases those same superiors for you to sit this one out?”
    Lhagva swallowed hard, wishing he could read Sanjin’s face. But human expressions were always so hard for him to penetrate. “Then I will resign my commission and accompany my former unit to the surface as a civilian,” he said. “Stowing away aboard the transport if need be.”
    For a dozen heartbeats Sanjin just gazed at him. “This hearing problem of yours,” he said at last. “Comes and goes, does it?”
    It took Lhagva a moment to figure out what Sanjin was talking about. And there was a strange look the human’s eye…“Yes, sir, it does,” he said. “As I said earlier—”
    “Sounds serious,” Sanjin cut in. “You’d better report to the medical bay. I’ll let the Stromma liaison officer know that you’ll be remaining aboard until the diagnostic droids have come up with a reading and a course of treatment.” He cocked his head. “I’m sure you’ll be ordered to remain in the bay until the assault transports have all launched at midmorning tomorrow.”
    “Hopefully, my hearing will be functional when that order is given.” Lhagva bowed his head. “Thank you, Lieutenant.”
    “Don’t thank me yet,” Sanjin warned. “Better yet, don’t thank me at all. If we’re both still alive this time tomorrow Captain Parck will probably flay both of us alive. That is, if Commander Balkin doesn’t get to us first.” He gestured. “Get to the medical bay, and then get some rest. One way or the other, tomorrow is likely to end badly.”
    It was midmorning, and Trevik was once again holding the nectar bowl at the Queen’s side when one of the Storm-hairs came unexpectedly into the Dwelling of Guests with an urgent report.
    The forces of Grand Admiral Thrawn had left the star caravan and were moving toward the edges of the Red City.
    “Excellent,” Nuso Esva said with an almost eager satisfaction in his voice. “All is prepared?”
    “All is prepared,” the other Storm-hair confirmed.
    Nuso Esva turned to the Queen. “Your forces are also arrayed as I ordered, O Queen?”
    Trevik’s eyes flicked sideways to the Queen’s litter. The Queen’s Soldiers, as /Nuso Esva/ had ordered? Had /ordered?/
    Such blatant effrontery should have earned Nuso Esva words of sharp rebuke, possibly even death at the hands of the Soldiers standing their usual guard outside the Dwelling. But to Trevik’s even greater surprise, the Queen made neither response. “They are so arrayed,” she said instead. “You are certain your weapons can stop the invading forces?”
    “They will do more than simply stop them, O Queen,” Nuso Esva said with grim satisfaction. “Today is the beginning of your final dominion over this world.”
    Again, Trevik looked

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