Crisis of Consciousness

Read Crisis of Consciousness for Free Online

Book: Read Crisis of Consciousness for Free Online
Authors: Dave Galanter
Tags: Science-Fiction, Action & Adventure
She raised her left hand, showing an open palm facing up. Many cultures offered a greeting of good faith to show they had no weapon.
    “I’m Captain James Kirk.” He gestured toward the two men behind him. “My first officer, Commander Spock, my chief medical officer, Doctor McCoy.”
    Spock raised his hand in salute. “Peace and long life.”
    She scrutinized him with intensity when he spoke, as if studying him in all ways possible. “You are of Vul-kuhn.” The way she said it wasn’t just odd to the ear, but had a bittersweet note to it.
    “Vulcan,” he corrected, lowering his hand.
    Zhatan bowed her head, accepting that, but explaining herself. “In our mythology, Vul-kuhn.”
    “Mythology?” Kirk asked, and he motioned between Zhatan and Spock with his hand. “I take it there’s some linked history here.”
    “Prehistory, perhaps,” Spock said. “I am unaware of any Vulcan expedition or colony in this area. Nor have I heard of the Kenisians.”
    “We have been a spacefaring people for several millennia, Captain. While our origins are lost to time, there are many who have heard of Vul-kuhn—excuse me, Vulcan, and believe we are of their line.”
    Kirk wondered if that was possible—a people who could create an interstellar craft might lose their own history, and he knew that time could bury facts that grow into myths.
    “We look forward to learning more about your people and culture and offering you the chance to know ours.” The captain motioned toward the doorway, and the security guards who stood on either side. “If you’ll follow these gentlemen, Madame Ambassador, they’ll escort you to our briefing room. I’ll meet you there shortly.”
    “Captain.” Zhatan smiled a bit—and it was rather alluring. Was she flirting with him? As she stepped toward the door, however, she stopped and turned to Spock, smiling at him as well. “Will Commander Spock be joining us?” She didn’t look at Kirk when she asked.
    The Vulcan waited for his captain to nod his approval, and only then did he reply. “I will.”
    She looked at Spock a moment more, smirking again ever so slightly, then left with the security detail trailing behind her.
    The Vulcan offered no expression. Was he being cooler than usual? Did he feel the allure of Zhatan that Kirk had?
    By the look on McCoy’s face, he had clearly sensed it as well.
    After a short but awkward silence, it was the doctor who finally spoke. “You know, I may have to say this is fascinating.”
    Spock pursed his lips a moment, then disagreed. “Not as such, Doctor. There are accounts of more than one group of Vulcan explorers and adventurers who set out for the stars.” He shook his head after seeming to search his memory. “I’ve just no recollection of this one, but their journey may never have been recorded.”
    “Adventurers?” Kirk was curious.
    “Vulcan had its era of exploration and colonization before the time of Surak.”
    McCoy sighed, as if having a discussion with the science officer was exhausting him. “We know that, Spock. But how many colonies were begun and then lost?”
    “Colonies would not be an apt description of such ventures.”
    “The Preservers?” Kirk asked.
    Spock considered that a moment. “Possibly. The time before Surak was one of great dissension and conflict, and a race such as the Preservers may have removed a tribe of early Vulcans in an attempt to ensure the species persisted.”
    “Or,” the captain said, “the Kenisians may share a history with the Romulans. A lost colony of theirs?”
    The Vulcan nodded. “Also a possibility, though not necessarily the case. At different times, many factions, political groups, even entire city-states sought refuge in the stars.”
    “I thought Vulcans were good historians,” McCoy said as Kirk headed into the corridor and they followed.
    “Now, but not in the pre-awakening,” Spock stated. “Wars, large and small, ultimately obscure history. And generally, antiquity

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