Health & Fitness,
Motivational & Inspirational,
Diet Therapy,
Women - Health and hygiene,
and toe fungus!”
“Big whoop. I’m the new white meat, raised on a ‘Happy Farm.’ Sacrificing myself for your thighs was really fun!”
“Purchase me and you’ll have more sex because you’ll be skinnier and happier, and then you’ll make more money and go to Paris and buy Gucci and meet Johnny Depp … and … and … [the package is thinking] … you’ll solve global warming because I’m in a green box!”
The nonsense on packaging and advertising gets sillier all the time. The marketing behind a common breakfast drink claims that antioxidants found in this sugary, processed dairy mixture will strengthen the immune system. Well, a little understanding of that sexy science reveals that sugar and dairy actually suppress our immune system. Not to mention that any antioxidants in this pasteurized product are dead. No thanks!
Smart labels are another ridiculous campaign. Since when are Froot Loops healthy? Since never! Yet they have a smart label seal of approval. These mean absolutely nothing because there are no regulations or guidelines. The companies themselves determine whether or not a product is smart. And a lot of us dumbed-down consumers buy it hook, line, and sinker.
Wellness is not just about nutrition. It’s also about ecology, spirit, passion, and culture. The Crazy Sexy Diet takes in all these interconnected issues. Illness made me look at myself in a new and honest way. It also woke me up to so many of the bigger issues facing us today. The choices we make really matter. What’s happening in our bodies is a mirror of what’s happening to the planet. It’s our feeling of disconnectedness that keeps us from realizing we’re all one organism.
Like the planet, our bodies have rivers, streams, lakes, oceans, soil, and air. These ecosystems make up our personal and planetary terrain. Both depend on a clean environment and a delicate balance. Chemicals poison our rivers and veins; pollution chokes our air and lungs; overacidity plunders minerals from our gardens and our tissues. pH affects everything from our forests to ocean life, bone strength, even cancer cells.
As we continue to expand our definition of wellness, we realize that the best place to find solutions to our personal and global challenges is on our dinner plates. Imagine the changes we could make if we simply started voting with our forks. One person can truly make a difference. You can start a revolution right at your kitchen table. In order to do that, let’s touch upon some of the more immediate obstacles we face.
Imagine the changes we could make if we simply started voting with our forks.
Two common speed bumps to a healthier lifestyle are: “I can’t afford it” and “I don’t have time.” Drive around them: In chapter 8 , I’ll give you lots of tips for cutting corners and stretching the dollar.
Yes, healthy food can seem more expensive, but if you choose wisely and buy in bulk, in season, and on sale, it’s very affordable. In terms of dollars per nutrient, it’s downright cheap compared with packaged food and animal products. It will certainly save you money in the long run. I’d much rather put my paycheck into my crisper than the medicine cabinet. My medicine cabinet is for emergency use only. In fact, there are only four things in it: Advil (for New Year’s Day), Band-Aids, chemical-free tampons, and healthy cosmetics. Sadly, most Americans load those shelves with expensive “magic bullets.” Your crisper holds the real medicine.
Check out yet another interesting fact from the sizzling Michael Pollan. He reports that in 1960, 18 percent of our national income was spent on food while 5 percent was spent on health care. Today 9 percent of our income is spent on food and 17 percent on health care. Clearly, the less we spend on food, the more we spend on health care. Take a look at your overall spending. I’ll bet
Skye Malone, Megan Joel Peterson