to the nicest of the apartments we kept. After telling her as quickly as I could where things were and, I got the hell out of there and went back downstairs. I announced to the astonished men who had watched me lead her in that she was staying for one night, and that she was strictly off limits.
Then I took out my cell and called the only person I could think of to come help me the fuck out.
“Hey, Seton?” I said when she answered. “I’ve got a situation.”
I don’t know what I had expected when I met Levi, but the reality of him was both exactly right and not even close.
I had had only the very vaguest memory of him from when I was a child. After all, he had left when I was probably no more than seven or eight years old. When I started making my plans to escape the WFZ Ranch, I hadn’t let myself think too much about what might be awaiting me in Lupine. When Elias said that Leviticus had joined a motorcycle gang (“ club ,” I reminded myself now), I had imagined a big, hulking bald man with a long, menacing beard, wearing leather and covered in tattoos.
Well, I had gotten the tattoos right. Almost every surface of his skin below his neck seemed to be covered with them. (In spite of myself, my mind wandered to whether he was tattooed everywhere , and I blushed furiously at the thought.) And I had the beard right, as well, though it was shorter and lighter than I had expected, a slightly more reddish tint than the reddish-brown of his hair.
What I hadn’t gotten right was how… attractive he was. Masculine, in a way that was both dangerous and thrilling. Somehow the tattoos, which I had imagined as scary, were actually sort of beautiful. The colorful, geometric patterns accentuated the chiseled muscles on his arms. Tattoos were strictly forbidden in the faith, as were any body alterations, and I had never really seen any up close before. The ones Levi had made my eyes want to linger on his body, and even to touch his skin, to see whether it felt any different on the parts that were covered with the designs.
I hadn’t gotten his eyes right, either. I half-expected them to be dark, menacing, mean. Instead, they were green, a light, penetrating color that was so mesmerizing that I had to work not to fixate on them.
Leviticus had been furious to see me. I hadn’t allowed myself to consider that he might be, but I couldn’t blame him for it. After all, here I was, dropping unannounced into his life from a world he had risked everything to leave behind. I had been lucky, I knew, that he had agreed to help me at all. And frankly, I had been lucky that he wasn’t the evil demon that the community made him out to be. He was scary, for sure. But I sensed that his intention was not to hurt me. He just wanted me gone. It fairly radiated off of him when he looked at me. And I had to live with that, and accept it. It was his right to be angry with me for disrupting his life.
Levi led me through the bar of the clubhouse, the eyes of several other tattooed men and a few busty, made-up women following us curiously. We went up a flight of stairs to the second floor. The doors to most of the rooms were closed, but he led me to one at the far end of a hall and opened it without a key.
“Here,” he said gruffly. “Bed’s over there, bathroom’s through there. Make yourself comfortable. I’m gonna call my president’s old lady to check in on you in a little while. Lock the door.”
And with that, he was gone.
I looked around the sparsely furnished apartment, then sank down on the bed. It was surprisingly comfortable, or maybe it was just that I was exhausted. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. For the first time in almost four days, I was safe, at least momentarily. I didn’t have to look over my shoulder every second. Levi had told me I could only stay for only one night, but I couldn’t let myself think about that now. I knew I needed to just focus on the moment at hand, or otherwise
James Dobson, Kurt Bruner