Craggy 2: Another Last Flight for Craggy
stared up at the thankfully empty sky.

Chapter 17
    'H ow did it go?' asked Forbes.
    'They're a pretty sensible bunch, by and large.' said Potts, sipping a beer. 'Worried of course, but realistic. How did your day go?'
    'I had to growl at the engineers, a bit.'
    Potts said, 'Naturally. Let me guess. Can't be done. Can't be done in time. We don't have the tools, the materials or enough skilled people.'
    'All of the above. I said stop with the negativity, roll up your bloody sleeves and get on with it.'
    'And are they?'
    'Naturally. They're studying The Eye's cannons. We have another little problem. Helium supplies are low. Ok for everyday freighter runs on short haul, but if we are fighting a war, nowhere near enough. I've organised for Big Bird to go to Moon and get more.'
    Potts asked, 'Who are the pilots?'
    'I've already got Rocky Ramshorn and Max Morgan to go. The helium extraction team are getting ready for a flight take off in Big Bird tomorrow. It'll be about ten weeks before we get the helium back here.'
    'Keeping Fawn Dillow to take care of this end?'
    'Yes,' said Forbes. 'She can fly the Varlindran ship with Stella, once it's operational. Breezy can fly The Eye. Lance will be getting his officers doing exercises. We haven't fuel to waste, though.'
    'Anton. Worst case scenario. If we can get all our ships armed with laser cannon, down to the last freighter, we could have what, fifteen ships fully armed?'
    'And enough helium three to last how long at full on war?'
    Forbes had expected Potts to ask that so had done the maths. 'Until Big Bird returns, in a full on war, five days, maybe seven days at most. Then we're grounded.'
    'And vulnerable.'
    'Pottsy. We'll fight until the last one of us breathing. This rock is our home and I ain't letting no little punk tell me otherwise.'

Chapter 18
    I t was a sign of the stress of their jobs and the expectations placed on their shoulders that Stella and Breezy were wrapped up in a blanket together, listening to music and smoking marijuana. Their hands may have been for each other, but their minds were elsewhere.
    Stella said, 'Forbes wants fawn and I to fly the ship into battle if we ever get it in the air.'
    'Any sign of weapons yet?'
    'Fawn has found something that could be a laser cannon of sorts. So, if we can fly, we might be able to shoot at something.'
    Breezy squeezed Stella's thigh. 'And how do you feel about becoming a space warrior?'
    'Space warrior? I like that handle. Sexy. But you know something? I got sick to my stomach when I saw those people being mowed down. Kids. Babies. Jeez. Babies. Yeah. If I get a chance to take a few of their killers down, I'll not only do it, I'll enjoy it.'
    Breezy stubbed out the joint. 'I feel the same. Lance might be firing the cannon while I fly Eye, but I want to do some damage as well. Come to bed. I want to show you something.'
    * * *
    S kye Lewquarker was unwinding in a different way. There was a special guy she told her troubles to and a special place where she talked to him. She reached up and held his hand.
    'Get a crashed bird with a shot to hell engine flying again. And oh. By the way. Figure out how the laser cannon works. It's nuts.'
    'Oooh. Nuts. Mango nuts.'
    Skye laughed. 'I'd keep that to yourself if I were you. Are you coming in the pool?'
    Mango shook his head. He did actually use the pool if Andy Foreman insisted he needed a bath. But given a personal choice, water was something to drink if juice wasn't on tap, not to delouse in.
    'Oooh. No Mango. Love Skye.'
    'Hey. Watch it, buster. You and I are just best pals. You got three wives already. So. You got no pearls of wisdom for me on this engine thing?'
    'Oooh. Mango get big banana.'
    Skye laughed. 'With all the kids you got, you already got a big banana. But thanks for your sage like advice. Go look after your babies.'
    'Oooh, Babies Mango go.'
    'Bye, Mango. Obviously baby minding beats taking a bath with me. Say hi to your family from

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