and looked up to see Mabel, grinning from ear
to ear.
"Has anybody seen Maddy," she hollered and everyone began to laugh.
"My, oh my... I damn near didn't recognize you Maddy. You look like
you just stepped right out of the pages of a fashion magazine. Someone is
going to be mighty impressed today," she grinned.
Maddy blushed and grinned widely.
"It's me, Miss Mabel . . . The one, the only Madelyn Cassidy!”
She felt self-conscious as hell, and tried to ignore the approving nods
while she took a seat at the counter.
"Can I please get a strong cup of coffee, black?”
Mabel winked.
"Honey, the way you look today, you'll be able to get whatever you
want. If you know what I mean.”
It was nine o'clock, and Dusty hopped into his jeep and drove from the
hunting cabin to the main house. He hoped to see Maddy's car coming up
the driveway, but hell, he wasn't even sure if she'd show. He turned on the
misters in his mother's greenhouse, pulled a few weeds, and felt as nervous
as a bandy rooster. He was pleasantly surprised to hear a vehicle coming up
the sweeping driveway. He stood up, pushed back the brim of his Stetson,
and whistled low to himself. Maddy was here. He could not believe it.
The woman he had been dreaming about for days was only a stone's throw
away. At the moment, he was enjoying the view as one of her shapely
calves emerged from the driver's side of her mustang.
His heart raced. His mouth suddenly became dry, like cotton. He was
staring, fascinated as she emerged from her car. First, he noticed her boots,
next a shapely leg, and then a cute little behind as she bent over to retrieve
her purse from the passenger's seat. "Lord, have mercy," he whispered.
She checked her appearance in the rear-view mirror, allowing him more
than ample time to look at her lovely derriere.
He inhaled deeply and tried to control a certain bodily function. He
wore under his breath.
"Dammit, she makes me react like a gosh darn schoolboy."
Finally, he began walking in her direction. Maddy heard the crunching
of gravel made by someone's footsteps and turned around slowly.
"Good morning Miss Maddy," Dusty dazzled her with his sensual
smile. "Welcome to Mountain Rose Ranch," he said as he reached his hand
towards hers. Maddy froze for an instant, not knowing whether she should
run and hide, or shake hands with the sexiest cowboy she'd ever laid eyes
She held out her perfectly manicured hand as he grasped it firmly with
his own large, calloused one. The two didn't speak for a moment, as if they
were somehow frozen in time.
"Good morning... Mr. Cash," she managed to half-whisper. His hooded
blue eyes felt as if they were boring into her soul. She felt trapped. She was
mesmerized. She could hardly breathe. She realized that he hadn't released
her hand yet and quickly withdrew her own.
"You can call me Dusty," he grinned, "everyone does." Those dimples,
that smile, she was a goner.
She couldn’t help but imagine making love with him.
“Cowboy Candy is right . . .hot damn.”
She was simply grateful that he couldn’t read her thoughts.
"Alright, Dusty it is, then," she replied with the most sensual smile she
could muster. The air suddenly felt thick, like he could hardly breathe. He
had to resist the urge to take her in his arms and kiss the living daylights out
of her.
He cleared his throat and tried his best to sound business-like.
"First of all, let me just say I appreciate you driving all the way up here,"
I hope you didn't have too much trouble finding the place.”
She gazed directly into his eyes, nearly throwing him off balance.
"Oh no, no trouble at all - I appreciate the invitation," she replied.
He finally released her hand, and she felt herself starting to perspire.
"Well, let me take you for a grand tour of the place so you can see what
you're about to get yourself into," he grinned. She inhaled deeply, why did
he have to be so freaking handsome?
Why did he have to smell like soap
and fresh linen? Why
Flowers for Miss Pengelly