Courage: Overcoming Fear and Igniting Self-Confidence
character, making us feel stronger and more alive. Our ability to cut through fear and to act with courage is determined by whether our choices are made from thoughtfulness and planning or while we are on automatic pilot (a nonthinking or nonfeeling state that drives us to repeat old patterns).
    If you grew up without a strong sense of self, you second-guessed yourself constantly. Confused by the internal, doubt-filled chatter, you most likely shrank in the face of adversity, hid when you needed to be seen, and kept your mouth shut when your voice needed to be heard. Fear will have you choose what you believe will keep you safe even when the opposite is true. It will have you believe that you can’t do it, you are wrong, the cost is too high, the path ahead too difficult. Fear will tell you, “Don’t even think about it. Stay where you are. It’s just not the right time to deal with this.” But these are the kinds of lies that keep fear in power and you at a standstill. These are the lies that breed mediocrity and guarantee you an unfulfilled life. These are the lies that you must confront if you are going to bypass a predictable future and leap into an unpredictable yet infinitely beautiful future.
    With great persuasiveness, fear disguises itself with the Voice of Uncertainty, filling you with worry, doubt, and even dread. With its continuous haranguing, it undermines you with a loop of self-criticism. Its dubious power comes from convincing you to turn away from your highest truth and succumb to the pain of the past. Every time fear wins, you lose. Every time you choose fear, you lose sight of your highest aspirations. You fall prey to being controlled by your history rather than rising to the future that you desire and deserve. Fear screams out, “Don’t let go! Don’t give up your grudges, your anger, your grief, or your excuses!” Fear taunts you, telling you that you will surely fail. It happily reminds you of all the times you tried and didn’t make it to where you wanted to go. Fear is the monotonous monologue that was instilled in you from a very young age, always spouting its warnings: “Be careful. This can’t last. You don’t deserve it. No one can have it all. Who do you think you are?” Instead of standing up for yourself and shouting back, “I am a powerful, confident, and worthy woman,” you succumb to fear, bow your head in shame, and continue on the path you are on, even if you don’t like it—and even if it’s taking you down.
    The more depressing news is that if you don’t take up the battle with fear and win, the voice gets louder and louder with each passing year. It gains strength like a tropical storm. Before you know it, fear has the force and power of a hurricane sweeping through your life, destroying all you’ve worked for and all you’ve dreamed about.
    If you’re not clear about how your Voice of Fear talks to you, ask yourself if maybe any of this sounds familiar:
    You’re too fat.
    You’re too old.
    You’re too short.
    You’re too stupid.
    You’re too uneducated.
    Nobody wants you.
    You won’t belong.
    You’ll be rejected.
    You’re good for nothing.
    You’ll never amount to anything.
    Your time has passed.
    Maybe it shouts out:
    It’s all your fault.
    You made the wrong choices.
    Your time has come and gone.
    Maybe your Voice of Fear is more of a whisper, always telling you:
    Watch out!
    Be careful!
    What are they going to think of you?
    You’ll be teased, shunned, ashamed, embarrassed.
    You’ll make a fool of yourself.
    Maybe your Voice of Fear is doubt:
    But what if it’s a mistake?
    What if there isn’t anyone else for me?
    What if I can’t get another job?
    It’s gotta be my fault.
    Don’t make a move yet—not till you’re sure.
    There’s somebody else better for the job.
    I’m never appreciative or grateful—that’s why things don’t work out for me.
    Maybe it intrudes in your relationships and tells you:
    Don’t trust!
    Don’t open your

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