Corralling the Cowboy

Greetings Readers:
Katie O’Connor. No, that’s not my real name, just in case you
wondered! LOL. I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I am a wife, and
the mother of two kids who have grown up and moved away, and two
cats who still live at home. I believe in dragons, fairies, UFOs,
ghosts, and house pixies (and a lot of other silly
    I like
to think of myself as a decent parent, a good wife and a steadfast
and true friend. But you don’t really want to hear how great I
think I am. So, I`ll stick to the facts (as I see them.)
    I have
dabbled in writing since my university days. There is some part of
me that drives me to create stories and write them down. It is
impossible for me NOT to write. I think my head would explode if I
kept all those ideas trapped inside. I even dream story lines. I
have thought about keeping a notebook beside my bed so I can start
writing those dream ideas down. But then again, maybe not, because
some of those dreams seem like fabulous plots while I am dreaming,
but are a little suspect on closer examination under
    My mind
is a very busy place and the ideas just keep on coming. I have to
jot them down some place, so my laptop is full of partially
completed stories and dozens of idea files. Ideas are easy for me:
the most difficult part of the writing process is choosing names.
Recently I went through some old files looking for a particular
story. I had ten heroines with the same first name, so much for
being creative. Okay, maybe I need a baby name book.
tried my hand at writing poetry, science fiction, adventures and
romance novels. But my passion is, and always has been erotica. I
just had to dig deep and give myself permission to write
husband tells me that I have a devious, sexual mind, and I have to
admit that I like sex, a lot. (Shh, don’t tell my kids, or my
mother! Or any of the crazy boys my man plays lacrosse with.) My
friends know what I do, my parents know what I do, but I have told
my mother that she will never-ever-ever read my erotica. I shudder
to think about it. Can you just imagine? I would die.
    Over the
years, I have been a waitress, day-home provider, cashier,
chambermaid, a lab and x-ray technician, and a quilting teacher. It
took a long time for me to discover my passion, and now I have two.
I am a quilter by day and a writer by night. Having a secret
identity as an erotica writer is the most fun I’ve had all
hoping you have enjoyed reading this and that it jazzes up your
sex-life because we all deserve fabulous one! And no, I haven’t
done all the things in my stories. My stories are fiction, nothing
more than food for fantasies, mine and yours.
forget to check out my other books. You’ll find links to them on my
blog. If there is a particular format you want and can’t find, let
me know and I’ll see what I can do.
    I love
to hear from me readers. You can find me on …
    My Blog:
    Twitter: Katie
O'Connor @KatieOhWrites
    Goodreads: as Katie
    Amazon Author Page:
[email protected]

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