Construct a Couple
    Maybe that’s what this is about! My mind fills with visions of angelic Jane resplendent in a lacy white gown, with Kirsty and Tim smiling beatifically. Oh, Jeremy and I could be godparents! Kirsty thinks it’s morbid to ask people to take your kids if you die, but we’d be perfect. Well, Jeremy would be perfect.  I can’t keep a bamboo stick alive.
    Hmm. I wonder if Jeremy even wants kids? We’ve never talked about it. He’d make an amazing dad, I know that much. Jane adores him, always giggling and blowing cute baby bubbles when he’s around.
    “Well . . .” Kirsty scoots her back against the armrest so she’s facing me. “We’re moving home! Not to Maine, but to the States.”
    My mouth drops open. What? Kirsty and Tim are leaving London?
    “But . . . why?” I manage to force out, past the lump in my throat. Kirsty can’t leave London! I stare at my friend, trying to picture the city without her – trying to picture me without her. She’s always been by my side, a steadying force, with practical advice I rely on. Sure, I’ve got a solid life here now, but . . .
    “A lot of reasons, really,” Kirsty answers. “Tim scored an amazing job at an investment bank in Manhattan. With the economy being what it is and our jobs so unstable, it was too good to pass up. This new firm is in excellent shape, unlike lots of others.”
    “What about your job?” I can’t help asking. Tim may have found a secure position in the detritus of today’s market. For a part-timer, though, I can’t imagine it will be easy.
    “I’m not in a rush. I’ll see what’s available when I’m there,” Kirsty says, sipping her wine. “We love London, but with Jane and being so far from our family, it seems right to move back.”
    I nod, but I feel like someone’s clunked me over the head as I struggle to take it all in.
    “I’m going to miss you so much.” I know she’ll only be a telephone call away, but still.
    “I’ll miss you too, Ser.” Kirsty’s face sinks into a serious expression, then she shakes her head and smiles. “But hey, there’s this modern invention called an airplane! And once the house is squared away, I expect many visits from you and Jeremy.”
    “You’d better believe it! We’ll come so much you’ll be sick of us.” I grin through the tears filling my eyes. “So how long do I have you?” I pray it’s for a few months yet. You can’t do a transatlantic move in less time, even if you are as organised as my friend.
    “Well, Tim’s stuck here for the next two months, working out his notice period,” Kirsty responds. “I’m going to pack as much as I can and head Stateside with Jane to look at houses once I’ve scheduled appointments. If I find something we like, I might stay on and settle in before Tim comes.”
    I shake my head, trying to let it sink in. “What about your furniture and stuff? That’s going to take ages to ship, right? You and Jane can’t camp out in an empty house.” I cross my fingers she hasn’t thought of that.
    Kirsty shrugs. “The furniture will cost more to ship than it would to buy new stuff. Tim’s going to put it on eBay or something.”
    “Oh.” My heart drops. “Any idea where you want to live?” I try to envision the family in their American-style life, complete with giant yards featuring leafy trees and – luxury of luxuries! – built-in closets. I’ve never been to New York, even though it’s relatively close to Maine. Mom and Dad aren’t keen on ‘the pinnacle of commercialism’, as they call it, preferring the countryside where I grew up. To them, travelling means camping in the neighbouring farmer’s fields, although in recent years they’ve broadened their horizons to include meditation retreats.
    “Well . . .” Kirsty pads to a cabinet, unfurling a blow-up map of the New York metropolitan area and surrounding suburbs. “I’ve heard a lot of good things about Westport. Tim can commute into Manhattan easily from there.”

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