Confined Love
all work
together? I wasn’t naïve enough to believe that we wouldn’t have conflict. It
was inevitable. How would they handle it? How would I?
    “Shhhh, Soph.” Radek’s hand smoothed down my hair.
    “Get some rest,” Xanthus encouraged. His lips pressed
against my forehead. “We have a busy day tomorrow.”
    “What are we doing?” I whispered my question.
    “Training first thing in the morning.” Kain spoke as he
shifted, giving my foot a tap before moving away. “We need to see how well
we’ll all work together, combat-wise. We need to run through some drills. Get
an idea of how we move.”
    “After lunch, we have more detailed intel to go over. You
need to be aware of just what you might encounter before we head to our
assignment station in the fifth. You’ve never been there?” Radek made it a
question but we all knew I hadn’t. As far as I knew, no woman willingly went
there. But then all I had were rumors.
    “Then it will be time to eat and get down to the most
important part of the day.” Xanthus practically purred his words into my ear.
    “And what is that?” I asked with a shiver, having my own
thoughts on what that would be.
    “Stripping you naked and exploring all of you again. Making
you scream with pleasure as we take turns tasting you, every inch of you.”
    “I can’t think of anything more important than that,” Kain
    “Maybe we should make a point of starting the day that way
as well,” Radek suggested.
    I moaned. I couldn’t think of a better way to start the day.
A giant yawn almost cracked my jaw and made the three of them laugh.
    “Sleep, Sophia.” Xanthus crooned. “We’ll just have to wait
and see what the morning holds.”
    I knew what I wanted it to hold—the four of us still tangled
on this bed with each of their rock-hard cocks finding shelter in my body. I
didn’t care who claimed my ass, who filled my pussy, or who let me suck and
lick them.
    With a contented sigh and a head already full of epic dream
material, I finally let my mind relax. The sooner I slept, the sooner morning
would get here. And I had little doubt that it would be better than I could

Chapter Four
    I was dripping sweat. No workout had ever been this
hardcore. Xanthus was a task master. Drill, drill, drill. That was what the
morning had held. I’d gone to sleep dreaming that I might be awakened with a
kiss and another bout of sex play but no such luck. Instead, I got a firm smack
to the butt and Kain telling me to get my ass up and moving. I’d have to work
on this method of waking me up.
    “Run it again.”
    I gritted my teeth to prevent nasty comments from escaping
as Xanthus shook his head.
    “Radek, you’re moving too slowly.”
    “Fuck you, Xanthus.”
    “You keep watching Soph and it’s throwing you off. We have
to be able to trust her to be our equal out there. No exceptions.”
    “She’s not our equal. No offense, Soph.” Radek looked
sincere when he said it but the words still stung a little. But realistically?
He was right and we all knew it. “You’re good, Soph. Incredible. But you’re slow
on the turn. Your kick is too low. And I can’t promise that I won’t be watching
you instead of where I need to if it stays that way. I won’t let anything
happen to you.”
    “Radek, Kain, take a break. Shower, grab lunch and get the
conference set up for our intel meeting.”
    “What about me?” I was ready for a cleansing and food. Food
sounded like heaven right about now.
    “You’ll stay with me and repeat the drill until you get it
    “Fuck you, Xanthus,” I snapped, repeating Radek’s earlier
    “Xanthus?” Kain stopped by the door, a question in his
    “Go, Kain. She’ll be fine.”
    I watched Kain and Radek step out and pull the door closed
behind them. We’d been running drills for the last three hours. I was
exhausted, and unfortunately, Xanthus knew it.
    He shed his shirt and tossed it aside then sat down

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