Concealed Attractions (Cedar Island Tales)

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Book: Read Concealed Attractions (Cedar Island Tales) for Free Online
Authors: Kate Vale
as they climbed. They rounded a curve of the hill and she stopped to catch her breath .
    “ Look over there.” Danni pointed through the trees . The white uprights of the high bridge linking the island with the mainland stood out against the granite cliffs on the far shore .
    “I know where we are. Joel took me out on his boat a few weeks back.”
    She nodded. “ It was built by the CCC. Do you know who they were?”
    “Civilian Conservation Corps. My grandfather and his brother were in it.”
    “I’ll bet you thought I wouldn’t know about them . Surprised you, didn’t I?” He grinned at her.
    “How was I to know you had family who did that sort of thing? Come on, we have more climbing to do if you want to get to the top .” So Ben’s family had a history with the area, even though he’d said his family lived in northeastern Washington. Interesting. Would she ever know something he didn’t know—other than how to teach a dog to sit?
    S he headed back up the trail, through trees that grew shorter and scrub growth that thinned . They slowly worked their way between boulders at the steepest portion. Ben took the lead and helped her maneuver the shale that slipped and slid when it loosened under their feet until they reached firmer ground .
    When they reached the top, she emptied her backpack on to a large rock that resembled a table. They looked south. S he pointed out the tallest buildings in New Harbor, and then the coves on either side of Cedar I sland.
    “Too bad you can’t see all the way down today. That farm we visited is just about where the clouds start, on the other side of that cove to the east.”
    “That far?” Ben munched one of the apples he had brought.  He reached into his jacket and pulled out the other one. “Here— I’ll trade you for the extra sandwich. I’m glad you mentioned this place. It has to be a popular spot with hikers.”
    “Bird watchers like it, too . Bald eagles winter over near the river , so we see lots of them around here most of the year . B ut not everyone likes to climb up here, especially since that rock slide loosened so much of the shale.  It can be dangerous when we go down. I know a way to get around it, but it takes more time to go that way, so we shouldn’t sta y up here too long .”
    “Your dad likes you to stay close to home, does n’t he? He reminds me of my Dad, when he used to worry about who my big sister was dat ing.” He picked up a stone and threw it over the side of the hill.
    Does he think this is a date? Her pulse picked up at the thought.  She glanced sidelong at him, glad he was looking at the view and not her . “ I wish he wasn’t so strict . My dad doesn’t like me go ing out.” As if she’d ever date again if he ever found out what she’d done, that she was pregnant.
    “ That’s probably his way of saying he cares about you.” Ben’s eyes, luminous in the sun, seemed to glow. “ Joel is having a party on his boat next weekend, to celebrate my birthday. You’ re coming , aren’t you ? The rest of the clinic gang will be there .” He leaned back against the rock where she was sitting and stretched his legs in front of him.
    His voice sound like he cared , that he wanted her to be part of the group . She hadn’t to ld Joel she’d be free when he’d invited her. She wondered what it would be like to hold Ben’s hand. His long fingers seemed to know just where to place the scalpel or a stitch. What would it be like to kiss him? He looked sexy, lying in the sun, his lips slightly parted, his eyes closed against the sun, his thick lashes dark against his skin. But she’d vowed not to get serious about a guy. Look what had happened with Steve. She couldn’t afford another disaster. But the party sounded like fun. Wasn’t fun part of what summer was supposed to be?
    “I’ll ask my d ad. If I tell him Joel will be there, maybe he’ll say it’s okay .”
    “Tell him it’s not a date if that’s what he’s

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