Compass Call: Survival & Awakening (The Gatekeeper Book 3)
about to say, but I don’t need anyone’s validation. If I lived the rest of my life as the only one believing what I saw and experienced was real, then . . .well, I’d be fine with it,” whispered John. “I know it’s extreme, but it was real. I know I’m not going crazy. I saw what I saw, and I did what I did. It’s that plain and simple. But I do appreciate your support.”
    “Fair enough,” replied Pete, and he turned to look out the window.
    John felt stupid for attacking Pete over an insecurity he felt about his experiences and rested a hand on his friends shoulder. “I’m sorry, Pete. It’s just that I . . . well, I guess I do need some validation after all. I’m just tired of having all this information in my head, and not having anyone to talk to about it.” He noticed Pete was about to comment, but then John continued before he could speak. “And yes, I’ve tried talking to Jenna about it, but she’s not interested. She thinks it’s all a bunch of war related stress. But knowing what I know, having no one to talk to about it,
drive me crazy. I want to share my story, Pete. I want to talk about it, but Jenna isn’t ready to hear me, or at least she wasn’t,” replied John.
    “Why? What happened last night?” asked Pete.
    John shared his recent experience and contact with Eli, namely about his dropping in on the biker gang, and seeing the nuclear detonations, before telling him about his spiritual contact with Jenna. The account lacked John’s usual detail, but it was still too fresh, too intimate to share all the details with his friend at the moment. Besides, he would rather write it down and let him read it later.
    When John finished talking, it was Pete’s turn to silently study him. After another long moment of silence, Pete said, “Eli came to me too. That must mean something.”
    John nodded and said, “Yes, I’m sure it does.”
    “John, I want to be a part of it,” said Pete, in an intense whisper as he leaned even closer to John, and tapped his knee with a closed fist. “I want to be a part of what you’re doing. For me, it goes back to realizing that you had a . . . I don’t know what to call it, really . . . an inside source on the disaster. You had access to information that no one else had. Then I’m visited by your grandson and told to prepare for a fight at the overpass. And then I read your incredible journal. I know it’sno accident that I made it up here. I know I was meant to be here . . . with you, to help you. And I want to help. I want to be a part of your work, whatever that work is. The meeting with Eli changed my life, and reading your journal changed it even more. I’m not the same man I was, John. I’ve been awakened to something new and exciting, and I want to be a part of it,” finished Pete, as he sat up in the chair. He ran a hand over his close-cropped scalp and turned back to the window. After lifting the curtain flap and taking another quick look outside, he sighed and said, while looking out the window, “Sorry. Guess that was a little intense.”
    Sunlight streamed in through the window at a sharp angle, blasting the wall behind Pete with a splash of brilliant light. It seemed brighter than usual given their recent days of gray darkness. Pete squinted and said, “I need my sunglasses . . . didn’t think that would be a problem this soon after the eruption.”
    “I know where you should start,” replied John.
    Pete asked, “What?” as he dropped the flap and turned to face John.
    “Where you should start. I know how to start you on your road to spiritual awakening,” answered John. He looked at Pete and asked, “Do you remember the part in my journal where I wrote about traveling through eight gates?”
    “That’s where we should begin . . . with the gates,” said John.
    “I understand what you’re saying, but I don’t know how to do that. Do you mean I have to go through what you went through?” asked

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