Coming Together: Special Hurricane Relief Edition

Read Coming Together: Special Hurricane Relief Edition for Free Online

Book: Read Coming Together: Special Hurricane Relief Edition for Free Online
Authors: Alessia Brio
Tags: Poetry, Erotic Fiction, Anthology
the still wet and crumpled dress at the foot of the bed.
Susan slips into a pair of my sweats and a rather oversized t-hirt,
she suddenly stops and the giggles from last night seem to return.
c'mon, share the joke," I say to her. "What's so funny?"
says Susan, "I was just remembering last night and thinking
about this morning. The rain is gone, the sun is out, and it is going
to be a beautiful day. I'm sure the park will fill up with children
playing and mom's reading on the benches."
I'm sure you're right. So? Why, you want to find someplace to play
later?" I say this with my most mischievous grin.
replies Susan, "Actually, yes. But that's not what I was
laughing about. See, sometime today, one of those little kids is
going to make his mom very uncomfortable."
he is going to walk up to Mom," Susan says with a gleam in her
eye, "and he is going to make Mom explain...make her explain why
there would be a pair of my panties lying under the swing set."

~ ~ ~

Harley Stone (a/k/a lucky-E-leven)

pulled into the driveway, grateful to be home after a long day at the
hospital. She took a moment to admire her home, but the real reason
she was reluctant to go inside was because it meant she'd have to
leave the cool cabin of her car. The Northeast had been plagued by
heat waves this summer and air conditioning was a luxury that she and
Sabrina hadn't seen fit to equip their home with. The breeze off the
Atlantic was normally more than capable of cooling the small Cape Cod
they owned, but she was really wishing they had it now.
one last deep breath of crisp, cool air, Liz turned off the engine
and headed up the driveway. Her first step onto the front porch
stairs always made her chest swell. A mix of pride and anticipation
filled her as she reached for the front doorknob. She loved this
house more than she'd ever imagined but what really made her heart
race was the gorgeous blonde within. Liz smiled at her own giddiness
and despite feeling drained by the smothering heat, she felt a bit of
bounce returning to her step as she crossed the threshold.
baby!" Liz called into the large living room.
was no answer and she dropped her satchel by the door before sifting
through the mail. Bills, junk, ad circulars, and yet another damn AOL
trial disc were replaced in their basket before she leaned down to
slip off her shoes. She started for the stairs and looked around to
be sure that all windows were open, praying that some kind of
movement would stir the oven-like air surrounding her.
She yelled at the top of the stairs, but there was still no answer.
wandered into the bedroom where she immediately stripped out of her
scrubs and stood before the fan. She pulled her curly brown hair off
her neck and piled it atop her head, clipping it there to keep her
neck exposed and letting the breeze from the fan caress her naked
skin. She walked to the bathroom and was disappointed to find no sign
of her girl.
walked to the bedroom door and yelled down the hall in the direction
of the work room, "Sabrina!"
waited a moment and heard nothing in response. Liz pushed away from
the door frame and stalked across the bedroom to stand in their window. A flood of sexy memories washed over her and the effects of
prolonged heat and lack of sex could be felt sharply. Her mind's eye
replayed the image of Sabrina masturbating in the window, her
silhouette easily discernable standing as she was, aglow in the
moonlight. A sudden twitch in Liz's pussy reminded her of the erotic
sights and sounds of her lover approaching orgasm while she watched
from a chair in the darkest corner of their bedroom.
the hell is she? Liz wondered. She
could've sworn Sabrina's car was in the driveway when she arrived,
and she didn't remember the blonde saying she had any plans that
evening. Just then, her stomach growled and she decided to grab

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