a lot better than sleeping in that stinking bunk-house at Farnworth. I wondered if I would be able to board a train ... so far my luck had held ... so far...
I woke with a start that set my heart thumping.
Through the open door of the shed I could see the outline of the distant hills. The sun was coming up in a blood red sky and its pale fight filtered into the shed.
As I struggled to my feet, panic gripping me, I realised I had slept like a dead man for more than eight hours.
Already I could hear the rumble of trucks on the highway. I wouldn't dare cross the fields now to the railway.
In my black and grey striped prison uniform I would be spotted by any of the passing truck drivers.
Then I heard sounds from the farmhouse: voices and movements. A little later I smelt ham grilling.
I watched and waited for half an hour or so, then the two men came out, followed by the girl. She was around seventeen and very sun-burned. She wasn't pretty, but she had a good figure, and when she smiled she was attractive.
The three talked together for some moments, then the two men climbed up onto the truck and drove away. The girl went back into the farmhouse.
I made another meal of cantaloups, then I settled down behind a pile of crates.
I was trapped in this shed now until nightfall. Thinking about it, I saw that it might not be such a bad thing. Staying here in comparative safety would give the hunt for me time to cool off.
I rested my head on a rolled up sack and closed my eyes. It was hot in the shed and I dozed off.
I came abruptly awake an hour or so later.
Someone was in the shed.
I could hear movements. Very cautiously I edged to the front of the crates and took a quick look.
The girl was sorting cantaloups into sizes, making three piles of them. She worked quickly and expertly, her back turned to me, her long hair falling over her shoulders as she stooped over the pile.
I watched her, wondering if I dare let her know I was there, and then suddenly realising that she did know I was watching her. She had paused abruptly in her work, then she had gone on again, but without the rhythm she had used before. I knew she was now frightened. I could tell that by the way she fumbled with the cantaloups.
I was sure if I didn't do something fast, she would bolt out of the shed and probably start screaming. I could feel the growing tension in her.
I said very quietly, "Don't be frightened," and I stood up so she could see me.
She whirled around. I was sorry for her. She went white under her tan and she tried to scream, but no sound came.
I must have looked pretty terrible. I hadn't shaved for two days. I was filthy dirty. I was big and tough looking, and I saw I had struck terror into her; that made me feel bad.
"I'm not going to hurt you," I said, watching her as she slowly backed away from me until she reached the wall of the shed. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a red and white cowboy shirt. As she pressed herself against the wall, I could see her small breasts lifting and falling under her shirt.
She said in a tiny, tight voice, "Don't come near me!"
"I'm sorry I frightened you. You frightened me," I said. 'I'm the man they're hunting for— from Farnworth. Will you help me?" I kept talking. I was scared she would run out and start screaming. "I'm hungry and I want clothes. Will you give me a break?"
I could see she was getting over the shock and she was relaxing.
"What are you doing here?" she asked.
"I was hungry. I came after the cantaloups last night. Then I was fool enough to fall asleep. I planned to reach the railway while it was dark."
"But they are watching the railway," she said breathlessly and I knew then she was on my side. "It was on the radio last night. That's where they expect you to go."
"Then I guess I'll have to think of something else. I don't want to get you in trouble, but will you help me? If you don't, I'm sunk."
She stared at me for a long moment
"I've read about Farnworth," she said
Mating Season Collection, Eliza Gayle
Lady Reggieand the Viscount