Colorado Fire - Colorado Heart 2
Knives sat close to the doorway, giving Craig an advantage. Grant didn't want this to be a fair fight. He need to get Craig incapacitated as soon as possible.
    Grant placed the knives in the refrigerator, the last place Craig would look for them, and then waited. Five minutes passed then ten. The guy in the closet had come to and Grant had to threaten him. The man wasn't talking though Grand suspected he understood English by the way the guy quieted when Grant told him what he'd do if he wasn't silent. Two hours passed then three. Obviously Craig had figured out Grant had found him. How, he didn't know.
    At midnight, Grant gathered keys, a computer, cell phones, and Craig's friend, tossing him in a Land Rover he'd found keys for at Craig's place. He drove to a warehouse outside of town that he'd scoped out for use if he needed a quiet place to work. After sending Duff a photo of his captive, he made sure the guy was tied up tightly.
    Sleep didn't come easily, each noise waking him, making the night longer than it should have been. Around the time the sun was rising, he crawled out of his makeshift bed, giving up on getting any more sleep. Duff had sent a note about the man Grant was holding.
    Michael Ward, an alias for Michael Brown, was a Canadian citizen who lived in the UK. He'd been in and out of jail since his teens. His crimes were small in nature, petty theft and minor drug possession charges. Three years ago, he cleaned up and hadn't been questioned by the police since. Shortly thereafter, he changed his name to Michael Ward and moved to England. Grant guessed the man met Craig about three years ago. That was in the middle of their relationship, right when they were getting hot and heavy and talks of forever and true love had been going on between him and Craig. Now he knew it had all been faked. His lover hadn't cared about him at all. They hadn't had a miracle romance, beating the odds and finding true love. There hadn't been anything true about it at all.
    Grant used the bathroom and brushed his teeth, washing his body using the sink and paper towels. After he finished, he stared at himself in the mirror, trying to determine if anything was real. What he'd felt for Craig had been love. At least he'd thought it was love. Maybe he'd been fooling himself the entire time. Craig had told him over and over again that they were real. Now he felt like a fool. He wondered how many of the other guys suspected that what he had with Craig hadn't been real.
    He drew in a deep breath and turned away from his reflection, disgusted that he cared so much about what Craig had thought about him. The man had lied time and time again, getting Grant to believe what they had was special. Now he had to contend with the fact that they weren't special, he wasn't special. They had nothing together, only lies.
    The main room where he'd tied Michael was quiet. For a moment, panic filed Grant when he thought the guy had gotten away, then he saw him lying on his side, the chair Grant had placed him in was tipped over.
    "Michael," Grant tapped his toe against the guy's foot, getting no response. "Hey," he called out, tapping the man's leg this time. Nothing happened. Grant bent, checking for a pulse. The guy was alive, but unconscious. Grant cut the zip strips binding Michael to the chair. Once the guy was clear, Grant rolled him over, noticing the huge lump on his forehead. He must have flipped the chair at some point, knocking himself out.
    The day wasn't going to be easy if he couldn't interrogate Michael. He needed answers, not more problems. Grant could return to Craig's place, but he bet Craig had already skipped the country. He couldn’t kill Michael either. The guy was a petty criminal. Grant didn't know if this man even knew about Craig's overall scheme or the bombings. Leaving him for the police would give them someone to interrogate. Last night, he'd called in Craig's office using a payphone. He picked up Michael's phone, staring at it

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