
Read Collide for Free Online

Book: Read Collide for Free Online
Authors: Shelly Crane
Tags: Fantasy, paranormal romance, Young Adult, Angels, Aliens, molly
easily actually, and grabbed my keys from the ground, walking me to the car. He unlocked it and put the top back down, impressively with one hand.
    The cold, scratchy and torn leather of the rabbit was biting against my legs as he placed me, gently, in the back seat. Then he left me there. Silent minutes passed in the dark, alone.
    My skirt was bunched up past the comfortable point of my thighs but I couldn’t reach to pull it down. Suddenly I heard voices and I panicked but soon recognized them. Danny and Matt were coming and I felt them climbing in.
    “What happened?” Danny almost yelled as he took his jacket off to throw over my legs.
    I tried to speak, but couldn’t but I realized he was not talking to me.
    “She fainted. She’s ok,” Matt said, with a clear voice, only a faint indication of the lie that he was telling.
    “What happened? She really saw one?” Danny said sounding really worried.
    I felt him pushing my hair back to see my face better.
    “Yes. It was waiting for her when she got home but I scared it off,” Matt lied some more.
    “What did it want?”
    “I don’t know but don’t worry. I’m taking you guys somewhere safe. Look, I’m sorry if I’ve been...not so nice lately. I’m really sorry. Just trust me when I say that I love your sister and I won’t let anything happen to her...or you. Ok?”
    Jeez. He really sounded sincere. I couldn’t hear a lie at all. He has never said he loved me like that before. Not without a condescending ‘baby’ or ‘girly’ at the end. Maybe those stupid one act acting lessons at the community college paid off for him after all.
    Danny didn’t say another word, just climbed in and started the car. I could tell he was the one driving by the horrid grinding of the gears and the all too fast take off, spinning the gravel rocks in our driveway.

    I still kept testing myself, sure I would come out of it soon and awaken to reveal this fraud for what it was.
    Where was he taking us anyway? This was by far the most confusing game with Matt ever. Wait- Did my hand just twitch? Or was it the car moving? The car. Dang it!
    Why on earth did Danny believe Matt’s crazy story so easily? I mean, I never told Danny about Matt hitting me or much else of the other abuse, the yelling and pushing sometimes, mainly just meanness, but he’s seen and heard him at the apartment a few times, so why would he believe him then?
    I stayed still and listened to Matt’s instructions of where to go. They didn’t say much else. Danny asked Matt why he had been harassing me. Matt explained that he had a drinking problem but was getting help. Lies. Matt did have a drinking problem but he wasn’t getting help. He would never admit he had a problem.
    I feel it as we pull to a stop. I almost fall into the floor board with the momentum but swing back just in time.
    “Where are we?” Danny, finally, started getting inquisitive.
    Only an hour too late!
    “A little place I found. We’ll be safe here. Nobody knows about this place.”
    “A warehouse? What are we gonna do there? I mean, we don’t have food or anything.”
    “I’ll handle that. First let’s get her inside before he figures it out and comes for her again.”
    “Can he track her or something?”
    “Um. Yes,” Matt lied.
    “Ok. Let me-” Danny said and I felt him tug at my arm.
    “No, I’ll get her. I’m faster with the weight. You grab the duffel bag from the trunk if you don’t mind,” Matt said as he gently lifted me from the back seat under my back and knees, cradling me to his chest.
    Wow, he was warm. Really warm. Maybe he was running a fever. Maybe he was in some fever induced delusion.
    He was probably carrying me to my death in some Silence of the Lambs craziness! He was not the man I thought.
    They weren’t talking anymore as we walked, and I could smell dust, oil and mold as Matt carried me through the warehouse. We stopped.
    “Does it work?” I heard Danny ask.
    “Yes. I put these things here

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