Collide (Entangled Teen) (The Taking Book 3)
different purpose now.” He eyes Law, who pulls out a tablet and transfer pen. He passes the tablet to me, and I contemplate throwing it back in his face. I don’t want anything from him.
    “Look at the numbers,” he says, his voice low, like he knows it’s taking effort for me not to attack him.
    I eye the tablet, yanking it into my hand as I peer down at the Op numbers at each of the bases. “Is this accurate? That can’t be right.” My gaze lifts to Kelvin.
    “Over half our defensive forces are down, leaving the bases barely manned. The northern base is down to 38 percent. I’m sure you can imagine what this means.”
    Of course I know. If our numbers of trained soldiers are down, Zeus’s army will overrun the bases and humanity will be defenseless when the war hits the ground, which it’s sure to do at some point.
    “Where did they go?”
    It’s Law who answers. “Some rebelled against the new government, disappearing among the populace. Some turned Ancient and left for Loge. We have no idea which of those have returned and which are still there. And then there are those that never survived the neurotoxin.”
    I start for the view window. They’ve yet to bring Jackson into the room. “Where is he?” I ask, turning to Kelvin. He knows exactly whom I mean.
    Kelvin’s face twitches in some twisted version of a smile. “He’s at the laboratory for testing.”
    I search Kelvin’s thoughts for what sort of testing he’s talking about, but he’s a master at hiding his mind around me. It makes me wonder if he developed a filter of some sort, something Ops can wear to block out the RES device that allows me (and all other RESs) to decipher their thoughts and emotions. After an excruciating amount of time, me staring at him, him showing too much pleasure at holding all the cards, I race to him, prepared to rip that smirk off his face if I have to.
    “If you hurt him,” I say, “I will end you. Don’t doubt what I’m capable of. Your minions may kill me, but not before I kill you.”
    Law grips my arm to stop me, and all my emotions rush to the surface—confusion, sadness, hatred . I jerk free and deck him in the jaw so hard he stumbles, unable to maintain his balance. Shock fills his face. “It doesn’t feel good, does it? Having someone you care about hurt you. But you are no longer on that list for me, Lawrence Cartier. You are an enemy to me. From this point on, you are no safer than him.” I point at Kelvin, who considers the exchange for a long time before speaking.
    “Bring him in.”
    The door in the adjoining room opens and I’m back at the window, watching as a pair of Ops pull Jackson in and drop him back into the same seat. He looks different, showered and in clean clothes. His hair is still wet. His face shows hints of sustenance. Why did Kelvin do this?
    As though reading my thoughts, he says, “I thought you would appreciate seeing him in better condition. So you would see how well Jackson can be treated if you follow my orders. Or if you deny my request, the Jackson Castello you saw yesterday will be nothing compared to the version you will see when we are done with him.”
    I grit my teeth together. “What do you want from me?” I ask, though Dad already told me. I want to hear it from Kelvin.
    Kelvin steps between me and the glass so he is the only person, the only thing in my view. “I want you to travel with a team to each of the bases and train the Operatives there as you were trained on Loge. I want you to teach them everything the Ancients know, and ways to defend against Zeus’s army. I want you to ensure we win this battle.”
    “And if I refuse?”
    Kelvin nods to the Op still standing beside Jackson and the guard pulls a Senso-Taser from his pocket and presses it to Jackson’s chest, causing a shock to speed through him that will numb each of his senses in its wake. I set my jaw, tears welling in my eyes. I remember the Taser from the maze during Pre-Ops training,

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