Collide (Entangled Teen) (The Taking Book 3)
on me, and Kelvin is in the elevator. I wait until I know it’s in motion before I fly at the Op, steal his gun, and raise it, poised to shoot either of them if they move.
    “Freeze. Now. Or your guts will be on the wall behind you.”
    One of them smirks. “You can’t shoot us.” Of course, he’s right, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to allow them to hurt us, either.
    “Try me.”
    The other Op doesn’t look as convinced as his friend. “Look, we’ll take you without hurting either of you. But he’s right. You can’t shoot us. Everyone will know. You’ll never escape.”
    I squint at him, wondering if I know him, why he’s being nice. Maybe he used to work with my dad or is still loyal to him. Regardless, I refuse to trust anyone who stands beside Kelvin.
    I bite back the urge to get smart, to tell him exactly what I can do. “I don’t need this gun to kill you. Know that now. If I see either of you hurting Jackson while we are in those rooms, I will personally rip out your hearts with my bare hands. Do you understand? And if you don’t think I can, ask one of them.” I nod toward the cells of RES Ancients, then take a step. “I can make it so you can’t move while I slowly kill you. And I will do it when you least expect it. Not one hair on his body is to be harmed. Understand?” For effect, I focus on the Op beside Jackson, slowly turning his gun on him until he is pointing it at himself, his own finger twitching at the trigger. “Dare me.”
    “All right. Okay!” he shouts. “Nothing will happen to him. We’ll make sure of it.”
    “You do that.” I release him and toss the gun in my hand back to the Operative I’d stolen it from and walk toward the elevator. “They won’t let us go up together, will they?”
    “No. I have to take you first.”
    “Will your friend there hurt him?”
    The Op laughs. “Doubtful, after what you just did.”
    I peek over at him, sensing an ally, though I don’t let my guard down. “What’s your name?”
    “Bryant. Eric Bryant. I used to work with your dad.”
    So I was right. He is an ally.
    Bryant pushes the elevator button to close the doors. “In my eyes, I still work for your dad. And I’m not the only one here who feels that way.”
    I turn to him, studying his face. I hadn’t noticed the fear there before. “What happened here? On Earth?”
    “Kelvin happened.”

Chapter Seven
    The doors open before I can press Bryant for more information, and we’re back in front of the interrogation room, where Kelvin has questioned me each day.
    “Stay strong, Ari,” he says before leaving me in the room to stare through the window, waiting for Jackson to appear. It takes longer than it should, and growing impatient, I press my hands onto the glass, curious if I can break it if I must. The window trembles under my touch, and I release my hold just as the door opens and Kelvin and Law step inside.
    “I trust you are feeling better now?” Kelvin asks, stopping a few steps in front of me. “I will allow you this one breach in my trust. Do it again and I will have you in lockdown. Understand?”
    My back tenses at his threat. “What do you want from me?” I ask, frustrated. “I don’t know anything.”
    “Oh, I disagree. You know plenty. But you are correct. There is something I want, or rather, something you will do for me.”
    I stare at Law, him refusing to look at me. When did he become such a coward? “What do you want?” I ask, my voice full of the hate I feel for both of them.
    Kelvin walks to the wall across from the view window and presses a button. The wall slides open, exposing a map of America, broken down by each of the four divisions. Four lights shine out from each, and Kelvin motions to them before turning to me. “Do you know what these lights represent?”
    I study them. “They’re Op bases, one in each section of the country. They’ve been used to maintain civil order.”
    Kelvin nods once. “Yes, well, they have a

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