Codename: Romeo

Read Codename: Romeo for Free Online

Book: Read Codename: Romeo for Free Online
Authors: Kat Attalla
told her “be more assertive”. Well, she planned to assert herself tonight. No talking about physics. No Charlie Chaplin-like spastic moves. She would remain cool and composed and let Erik talk about himself. Now, she needed a plan to invite him to dinner.
    She started to unload her groceries. “Do you like salmon?” She shook her head. If he said no, the conversation would end. “I don’t suppose you’re free for dinner?” Too insecure sounding, she thought as she placed canned goods in the cabinet. “Would you like to have dinner with me?”
    “Yes to all three.”
    She dropped a can of tomato soup in the porcelain sink and whirled around. Her jaw went slack. She must have left the back door open when she brought the bags in from the car.
    “I didn’t hear you come in,” she said on a rush of air.
    “Then you weren’t inviting me to dinner?” he asked.
    “No … I mean yes….” Her cheeks grew hot. So much for cool and composed. Utter humiliation prevailed. She prayed for a complete loss of consciousness.
    He took a step closer. The scent of musk engulfed her. “I accept.”
    “You do?” she squeaked out.
    His rich laughter echoed around the kitchen. “Don’t look so surprised or I might think you don’t really want me.”
    “I do want you … to stay for dinner, I mean.” Breathe, Victoria. He said yes. The hard part is over.
    Smile lines creased the corners of his mouth. “What time?”
    “Whenever you’re finished.”
    He glanced down at his work clothes. “I need to stop home and get changed first.”
    “Do you live in Wakeburn?”
    “No.” An odd expression crossed his face. “South of here. Outside of Windsor.”
    “Oh, then you tell me what time.”
    “About seven?”
    She brushed at the bangs on her forehead. The knot in her stomach unraveled. For the first time in her life, she’d asked a man on a date. Not the most eloquent invitation, but he accepted. “Seven will be fine.”
    “Good, then I’ll see you later.”
    “You’re done here?” she asked, trying to mask her disappointment.
    “I finished before you left. It just has to dry out down there.”
    She tipped her head in confusion. “Then why did you come back?”
    He shrugged sheepishly. “I was hoping you’d invite me to dinner.”
    “You don’t eat too often, do you?”
    His gaze swept over her, and a genuine grin of admiration spread across his face. “Not with such a beautiful woman, I don’t.”
    Her heartbeat accelerated. She was determined to overcome her shyness. She couldn’t live her life in a self-imposed exile forever. The past belonged in the past. She had a new career, a new life now. If she didn’t have a lot in common with Erik professionally, so much the better. Whatever his intention, at least he didn’t have a hidden agenda. “Seven o’clock then.”
    “See ya later, Tori.” He stroked a finger along her jaw line, sending a current of excitement through her. The tingling sensation remained long after he disappeared.
    * * * *
    Erik climbed in the van parked around the corner from Victoria’s house. He’d showered and changed at the hotel outside of town and arrived back at six thirty. Daniels gave him the once over and smirked.
    “White shirt could be dangerous, pal.”
    “Shut up.”
    Although he categorically denied that this dinner had any purpose other than to discover more about Dr. Jansen, suspect, Erik couldn’t stop his thoughts from wandering to Tori Jansen, woman. Her endearing shyness couldn’t be an act. Even if she could control her expressions and gestures, she couldn’t fake a scarlet blush.
    “Anybody call the house?” Erik asked.
    “No, but she’s been busy tying up the line. She placed three calls to a Burlington number for instructions on how to make some fancy French salmon dish.”
    “Sounds great.”
    Daniels raised both eyebrows in a suggestive imitation of Groucho Marx. “Stuffed with oysters. Do you know what they use oysters for,

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