Club Vampire
he confessed.
    "Feel what?"
    "Feel that instead of owning you as I craved, you would own me. I would bow to your sweet perfection and be lost in your command."
    Oh man, if I could pant right now.
    "Ree..." His call was tortured. He shook me just a little, as if to get my attention. He had it. Damn if he didn't have it. "I want your legs to open only for me. I want you feeding only from me. If I have to drink twice a night to supply you, so be it. Eventually you will grow strong enough to go longer periods in between."
    I can't say I didn't still resent the way he said he wanted to own me. But then again, he had admitted to the fact that I could own him too. Maybe my tears would not affect this 43
    Club Vampire
    by Jordyn Tracey
    powerhouse of a vampire, but my sexuality would. I bet I could wiggle my breasts in his face and brush against him, and he would give me what I wanted.
    Some girls were career women, who loved standing on their own two feet, not depending on anyone. For the most part, that's how Chelle was. Even if she was dirt poor, she would do it herself. Me? I wanted it all, and if I could get it from a man, hell yeah I was taking it.
    "So what does this mean?" I asked him. "Are you going to go ahead and teach me? Or are you going to let me have to keep running back to you to save my rear. I have to tell you, I don't like that second option."
    He chuckled, the first time I had heard him do it. I thought the man was made of stone. "Yes, I will train you, as long as we have an understanding. Do we?"
    I was still terrified of feeding completely from a human, so he didn't have to worry about that, but maybe I could tease him a little, make him worry. At the flick of his brow upward, I remembered he could read my mind. I grumbled.
    "We have an agreement, but the first thing I want to learn is how to read your mind and how to keep you out of mine !" This time, he threw his head back and laughed a long while. It was like he hadn't done that in forever. I had the feeling I helped to bring him out of a dark place, or maybe that was wishful thinking. His eyes glowed bright when he looked at me again, the amusement still there. He lifted me up to come down on his cock. For a moment, we both moaned at the connection. Finally, he said, "I will teach you everything, Ree."
    Club Vampire
    by Jordyn Tracey
    I wrapped my arms around his neck and laid my head on his chest. "What about your brother. Tell me the truth."
    "He's alive. And one day when I know you won't try killing him, I will let you see him again. For now, I've made it plain to him, and I'm making it plain to you. You are mine, just mine."
    I rubbed my nipples across his chest and watched him shudder. We began a slow grind together. His dick filled me so full, I felt faint. My fangs descended and I positioned myself at his throat.
    "Would you eat your come from my pussy?" I mumbled.
    "In a human's heartbeat."
    "Good. Then I will be yours ... for now." I sank my teeth in to draw out his blood.
    The End
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