Cloud Magic

Read Cloud Magic for Free Online

Book: Read Cloud Magic for Free Online
Authors: Linda Chapman
curled on the rough wood. If only she could get to him.
    ‘Can you find the keys?’ he said.
    ‘But where will they be? Who’s got them? Who’s captured you? Who’s –’
    ‘Erin!’ Tor interrupted. ‘Quick! You and Chloe must go! The dark one is coming. I can sense it!’
    ‘But who is the dark one?’ Chloe demanded.
    ‘There’s no time! Go!’ Tor’s voice was full of alarm.
    Chloe grabbed Erin’s arm. ‘Come on,’ she said quickly.
    Erin didn’t want to leave the stallion, but Chloe tugged her upwards. ‘Erin, we have to go!’
    ‘ Camouflagus! ’ Erin whispered urgently. Chloe echoed it.
    They were only just in time. As they flew upwards, a dark, shadowy figure wearing a hooded cloak came striding through the trees.

    The two girls flew as fast as they could back to the cliff top. ‘That was so scary!’ Chloe said as they landed and let their camouflage fade. ‘Did you see that figure?’
    ‘Yes.’ Erin’s thoughts raced, full of relief at having found Tor, but full of alarm and fear too. ‘I wonder who it was?’
    ‘We have to find out!’ Chloe said. ‘You’ll have to ask Tor when he speaks to you next.’ She shivered. ‘Oh, it’s so annoying we couldn’t stay for longer! What should we do now then? I guess we’d probably better not go back until tomorrow.’
    ‘No,’ said Erin in frustration. What she really wanted to do was fly straight back there and talk to Tor some more – maybe rescue him. But he had told them to go. ‘I suppose we could try using our stardust powers. It might be good to practise them in case we need to use them to rescue Tor.’
    ‘Good idea,’ Chloe said.
    ‘Why don’t you show me what to do?’ Erin suggested.
    ‘OK!’ Chloe replied eagerly. She pointed her hand at a dry twig on the floor in front of them. ‘Fire be with me!’
    The branch started to smoulder, a curl of smoke rising up from its surface. Chloe frowned in concentration and the twig burst into flames.
    ‘Fire be gone!’ she said quickly. The fire slowly died.
    ‘Wow!’ breathed Erin. She was so impressed she almost forgot about the dark spirit.
    Chloe turned to her. ‘Xanthe said that some summer spirits can’t make fire straight away, but she said I must be quite a strong spirit.’ She tucked her hair back behind her ears. ‘You have a go now. Just concentrate really hard on what you want to happen and you should feel a sort of tingling. That’s magic flowing through you. Say “Rain be with me” and see if it works.’
    ‘OK.’ Erin felt excited. She looked at the skies. I can do this. I have to – for Tor! ‘Rain be with me!’ she whispered intently.
    A tingling feeling spread through her body, building up and up until it exploded out of her fingers. She gasped as a small raincloud formed above them. Raindrops immediately started falling.
    Chloe squealed and dashed out from underneath it.

    ‘Rain be gone! Rain be gone!’ Erin gasped. Nothing happened and the rain soaked her. ‘Rain be gone!’ she cried again. This time the raincloud slowly faded.
    Erin looked down at her dress. She was dripping wet.
    Chloe giggled. ‘I think you need to practise a bit!’
    Erin tried again, but this time the cloud that appeared pelted them both with hailstones!
    ‘I’m not very good at this,’ she said, feeling embarrassed as she made the hail cloud finally vanish.
    ‘Don’t be silly,’ Chloe said. ‘It’s only your first night of trying. You wouldn’t expect to be good first time. You’ll get better.’
    Erin felt grateful. Usually, if she couldn’t do something at school or the stables, Fran and Katie laughed at her and made her feel stupid. Chloe was so much nicer.
    They practised some more. Chloe seemed to get better, starting fires and putting them out more quickly, but Erin didn’t feel she was improving at all. She kept drenching herself and her hail clouds became snow clouds and her snow clouds became drizzling rain.
    ‘You’ll get the

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