treasurer with mock irritation. “Another fucking suggestion? Don’t you only say more than a few words when you're with Hailey?”
    Andreus ignored the dig. “Ioniko Vlahos.”
    Helios stiffened. “What about him?”
    “If any one of us were to make a move against Manolito Chavez’s business, they’d know we’re on to him. But if it was Ioniko who did it, and if he can use his influence without getting directly involved, you could exploit it and step in as a savior at the right time. You could offer your help…”
    Kellion’s eyes glinted in understanding. “For the right price of course.”
    The right price…being the girl who owned the key to his heart but was now trapped in another man’s cage.
    In his mind, MJ was still smiling.
    But this time, her eyes were filled with unshed tears, and her voice was softer, hoarser.  
    MJ sank to her knees in front of Manolito, her every move subservient.  
    “What’s this?” Manolito might be genuinely surprised, but there was no disguising the eagerness in his voice, either.  
    Disgust made her want to throw up, but she forced it back, knowing this was the only way to remain alive and untouched. Two months. Sixty-three days to be exact. That was how long she had been gone, and each day it became harder and harder to believe that Helios would be able to find her.
    Pleasing Manolito had also become more difficult. There were just so many ways to make herself bleed and break her bones until she ended up killing herself. Each day, she could see the interest waning in his eyes, gradually being replaced by a chilling kind of boredom.
    That lack of interest terrified her. Manolito, bored out of his mind, would not care what happened to her, and she couldn’t afford to let that happen.
    Swallowing, MJ forced her hands to move, unbuttoning his pants and pulling his zipper down. Soon, his semi-erect dick sprang free, a flaccid scarred length of flesh that was almost as grotesque as Manolito’s disfigured face.
    Again, the urge to throw up hit her, and again she ruthlessly forced it back.
    Please God, please, please, please let me get through this.
    “Wh-what are you doing?” Excitement had Manolito’s saliva hitting her face.
    She kept her smile in place even as she felt his drool trail down her cheek. In many ways, Manolito Chavez was no different from James. To earn James’ approval, she had learned to do what he wanted. And for Manolito, to keep him happy and earn another day to live, she just had to stay…damaged.
    “Slap me.”  
    His eyes widened. “W-what?”
    “Slap me—” She had barely finished speaking when he slapped her, hard enough to make her head turn sideways. It hurt, but she knew the pain wouldn’t be enough for him.
    “Slap me harder,” she made herself beg coyly. “Make me bleed.” The words came out of nowhere, the thought behind it borne out of her plain desire to keep living. “Wouldn’t you want me to bleed while I suck on your—”
    No more words were needed.
    He slapped her, repeatedly, until she lost count. And then he was pinching her nose shut, forcing her to gasp and for her mouth to fall open. He shoved his dick into her mouth, and tears pricked her eyes before they started to fall.
    In her mind, she could feel the imaginary Helios coming out from the dark—
    No, she screamed inside her mind. I don’t want you to see me like this.
    It doesn’t matter, brat. I love you—
    No, please, she begged. Please. Please. Please. Don’t look at me now. Please.
    And as the specter of Helios began to fade, Manolito forced her head further down, his dick pushing at the back of her throat. In seconds, he was coming, tears, blood, and semen mingling inside her mouth.

Chapter Seven

    James stared with ill-disguised hatred as Manolito Chavez lovingly stroked MJ’s head, which was lying on his lap. Stupid cunt thought she had Manolito wrapped around her little finger, but not for long. He bided his time, waiting for the

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